Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2016 | Page 23 of 63

Another exhibition, Another Crossing

HOT’s Erica Smith was lucky enough to visit the Another Crossing exhibition in Bexhill’s Murmurations Gallery whilst one of the artists, Giovanna Del Sarto was in the building.

No9 Bus to Utopia by David Bramwell book cover

Find out about one man’s search for truth, beauty and some really funny stories as he visits Utopian communities, in a jolly and heartwarming live show this Friday 9 September at Electric Palace, Hastings, says Annie Waite.

‘Let’s Talk About Class’

Milan Rai, local activist, writer, trainer and peace advocate, is running a workshop, Let’s Talk About Class, this Saturday at the Friends’ Meeting House. Hot on the heels of his inspirational trip to the States to train with Betsy Leondar-Wright, a founding board member and founding trainer of Class Action, his inter-active workshop will be ideal if you’re interested in exploring the concept of class, social justice, equality and transition. Zelly Restorick reports.

(c) Graham Keen - Yoko Ono Ceiling Work London 1966a

The Sixties in black and white

It’s 50 years since the 60s were in full swing. Writers might nominate the 20s, 40s, or the 80s as times of particular fashion and culture but rarely do they conveniently start at the beginning of the decade. So 2016 is not a bad time to celebrate that extraordinary, happening time when it was in full swing.

Hastings joins The Big Scoop

The ‘Pick Up My Poop’ campaign will prove popular with all of us who walk with our eyes pinned to the pavement in an effort to avoid stepping into something unpleasant. As part of this year’s Big Scoop campaign, Hastings Borough Council has joined forces with canine charity, The Dogs Trust to tackle issues around dog fouling in the town. Zelly Restorick has been looking into it.

Seaview’s Big Sleep coming soon

This will be the second year that people will be sleeping rough at the Stade, raising awareness of homelessness and very necessary funds for the Seaview Project in St Leonards, where staff offer invaluable and vital support to vulnerable people in the community. You can still take part – or sponsor someone who’s actively participating (sleeping rough – even for one night – isn’t for everyone). All contributions gratefully received by everyone involved with Seaview! Zelly Restorick writes.

Posted 19:38 Monday, Sep 5, 2016 In: Campaigns Tags: , ,

Romney Marsh churches to host bold new art

Bunker screening fails to hide the eyesore

Following their successful Bunker appeal, Rocklands have now submitted a planting scheme to screen the building from public view, a condition imposed by the planning inspector who heard the appeal. Approval or rejection of the proposed scheme will be decided by HBC planning officers who however have declined to take any comments from the public. Chris Hurrell of Save Ecclesbourne Glen (SEG) assesses the scheme.

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