Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2016 | Page 50 of 63

World Autism Awareness Week at the O.B.

The 2nd to the 8th of April is World Autism Awareness Week and to celebrate the uniqueness that is Autism, The O.B. Theatre is bringing  you two moments of wonder, a selection of Robin Elliott-Knowles’s drawings from his project ‘Uslip V Duck Team’ (a rogues gallery of villains) and, as selected by Robin, ‘Mary and Max’

Posted 07:37 Wednesday, Mar 23, 2016 In: Film Tags: , , , , , ,

‘Coldstream’ at the O.B. Theatre

The Observer Building Theatre opened on the 19th of March with ‘Ruff’ by leading feminist theatre company Split Britches. The play dealt with the after effects of a stroke and the loss of identity on their lead actor Peggy Shaw. ‘Ruff’ continues it’s run at the Barbican Theatre London. Now, hot on it’s tail comes a play dealing with the very male dominated world of the war on terror, Coldstream.

Zoom Arts exhibition opens at Warrior Square station gallery with mayoral blessing

Zoom Arts is holding an exhibition this week at its gallery in St Leonards Warrior Square station. The beneficiary is the Hastings RNLI lifeboat station. Nick Terdre reports.

Fly Kites Not Drones

We are flying kites on this day in solidarity with young people who live in countries where drones are causing death, injury and fear: countries like Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Palestine, Yemen and Somalia. Children should be free of war, free to play, to walk to school without fear of being bombed. Rona from Hastings Against War writes.

Posted 16:46 Wednesday, Mar 16, 2016 In: Campaigns Tags: , , ,

Local artists celebrate the end of BP Tate sponsorship

A group of local artists called HEART (Hastings Environmental Artist Response Team) has issued a statement hailing the end of oil giant BP’s twenty-six year sponsorship of two of Britain’s most iconic art galleries, and calling for other institutions, local and national, to sever their links with the fossil fuel industries.

Five shamrocks and a host of delights

Did you know that a shamrock exists in five forms as well as not existing at all? Those were the findings of a study conducted twenty years ago in which members of the public submitted the plant they considered to be a shamrock. Not found in botanical listings, the name shamrock is synonymous with the celebration of Irish culture. Five clover type plants were identified as popularly considered a shamrock.

Posted 16:06 In: Performance Tags: ,

On your marks for the Hastings Half Marathon!

It’s a sure sign that spring is here when the Hastings Half Marathon comes around – and it’s coming around this Sunday, 20 March. It’s not too late to sign up and join more than 3,000 others enjoying a run round Hastings for worthy motives. Nick Terdre reports.

Fergus Garrett helps greenhouse project to grow

If you are interested in learning the secrets of cultivating a successful cottage garden, take the chance to bid for a study day with gardening expert Fergus Garrett when he gives a talk on behalf of the Alexandra Park Greenhouse Group next month. Lynda Foy reports.

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