Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Hastings Online Times is an independent magazine for news, views and features about Hastings and St Leonards and includes probably the most comprehensive events guide in town. It has been created because we, local citizens, think Hastings and St Leonards are very special towns and it’s high time this was celebrated. All our writers are unpaid volunteers, and while we need a modest income, we’re not intending to become a commercial organisation.

On the big issues of the town, or the world, HOT as such is not here primarily to take sides but to provide a platform for debate. That doesn’t mean that our writers, as individuals, don’t have their opinions, but our aim is to allow readers to clearly distinguish between the facts of a case and the feelings about it. And we are happy to provide space for outside contributors to comment on important matters.

Don’t forget to join our email subscribers’ list to receive updates and alerts about new content.

Founded in 2009, this web magazine is always developing. Anyone who would like to be part of our team, write for it, promote it or help us to develop and improve the site is welcome to contact us.

The current team includes Lauris Morgan-Griffiths, Zelly Restorick, Erica Smith, Nick Terdre, Paul Way-Rider, Joan Taylor Rowan, Sam Davey, Sharon Rhodes, Dominika Hicks and Nick Weekes.

Many thanks to all whose work and enthusiasm has helped HOT to get this far, and especially to Rachel Lever who conceived and launched the site and Martin O’Neill of Cut-It-Out Studio for providing our uniquely evocative mastheads.

Outside contributors so far include Claire Billinger, Martin Bloomfield, Alex Brattell, Chris Broughton, Chris Connelly, Lauren Crampton, Judy Dewsbery, John Enefer, Rosie Fanthorpe, Tess Greig, Nick Hanna, Rod Harman, Glenys X Jacques, Sarah Janes, Thom Kofoed, Keith Leech, Kat Lee Ryan, Val Lee, Elisabeth Lewis, Antony Mair, Lucy Mazhari, Bernard McGinley, Pam McNaughton, Andy Moran, Jackie Newson, Angie Phillip, Tara Reddy, Scott Robertson, Olivia Rossiter, Brian Rybolt (photography), Jane Sarlius, Staph, Stella Starr, Nicci Talbot, Samantha Thornely, Tidy Tom, Annabel Tilley, Aruna Vasudevan, Glenn Veness and Graham Whitham.

Please note:The opinions expressed in any article are the sole responsibility  of the writer. Copyright for articles and images belongs to the writer or photographer/illustrator. We are happy for our material to be reproduced but only with the originator’s permission and with due attribution – so please contact us before reusing any material from HOT. This also applies to digital circulation on blogs, websites and social media such as Facebook.

HOT is a member of IMPRESS: the independent monitor for the press and abides by its standards.

Last updated: June 2022




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