Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper


Advice on filling in the form

• Enter your name, email address and phone number

• Click the date fields to choose a time span for displaying the ad.

• Enter the URL (web address or Facebook page) that you want to link the ad to.

• Upload the image to display. This must be 185 pixels wide, a minimum of 185 pixels high and a maximum height of 600 pixels high. Please contact us about the rates for ads taller than 185 pixels or check the rate card here. Don’t forget that the text on your ad must be legible and try to keep the design bright and clear. If you’re unsure about all that, don’t worry we can talk about it later. We can even design one for you for a small fee.

Thank you for your interest in advertising with HOT. Please use this form to send us your ad (jpeg or gif image), your contact details, the advertising duration, web address (or Facebook page) and any other info you would like to send. Alternatively, email us  

Download advertising rates
and further info


    Email address

    Phone number

    Date from:

    Date to:

    Link: (

    Any other details

    Upload your image

    Our advertising staff will process your request and contact you shortly to arrange payment and placement of the ad.



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