Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2016 | Page 52 of 63

Cleaning the oceans using solar-powered vessel

Is it possible that, in the future, our south coast shoreline and sea will be a vista of rubbish? A recent study produced by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and the World Economic Forum states that by 2050 there will be more waste in the world’s oceans than fish. Having spent many years collecting discarded human-made debris from the local beaches, this is a topic close to my heart, writes HOT’s Zelly Restorick.

Transition Town Hastings logo

Transition Town news

The goal of Transition Town Hastings (TTH) is to ‘help join the dots between all the activities in Hastings and St Leonards that are helping create a more equitable, healthier and self-sufficient community.’ TTH reports.

Largest array of floating solar panels

An inspirational innovation. Proving that sustainable renewable energy is not a myth, Thames Water commissioned Ennoviga Solar and Lightsource Renewable Energy to create the largest ever array of floating solar panels to power London’s water treatment plants. HOT’s Zelly Restorick reports.

Fashion show a highlight as Bexhill comes together to support Fairtrade Fortnight

We’re in the middle of Fairtrade Fortnight, with the highlight of the Fairtrade Fashion Show coming up in Bexhill on Thursday. It’s a chance to demonstrate solidarity with disadvantaged producers and farmers in the developing world. Nick Terdre reports.

A clear winner

The Epic is finally over and it was very far from a foregone conclusion as to who might win. Few, I think , would have seen Tzu-Yin Huang from Taiwan as the likely winner at the end of the first round, or even after the semi finals,and yet she was chosen by the RPO orchestra as their winner as well as the jury  –  and from my soundings, by many of the audience as well (if they had been here both nights). HOT’s David Pullen sums up the Finals.

HBC planning department – up in the top ten?

Is Hastings Borough Council’s planning department one of the 10 best in the country? Planning officials and Labour councillors think so, based on a rating drawn up by the independent Planning Advisory Service. The Save Ecclesbourne Glen campaign group found the claim mystifying and asked Chris Hurrell to look further into it – further indeed than the council, which could not even tell him how the rating was arrived at. Chris came to a rather different conclusion, as he describes here.

Call for pier volunteers

As the re-opening of pier draws closer – next month! – Hastings Pier Charity is looking for volunteers to help run the attraction. A recruitment day is planned for Tuesday 8 March. Celebrations to mark the re-opening are also planned. Nick Terdre reports.

Prokofiev or Tchaikovsky ?

Maybe it’s the two day final, or maybe its all that Prokofiev but there are apparently  seats available for Saturday and you’d be crazy to miss out if you can get down to the White Rock, writes David Pullen. On the Saturday evening Final, it is between Prokofiev and Tchaikovsky.

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