Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2016 | Page 3 of 63

Anita Jardine’s musical twins

At The Jenny Lind back in the summer, local singer songwriter and musician, Anita Jardine launched two albums simultaneously: ‘Bet U Wish U Were Here’ and ‘Sweet Sharp Heart’. Local writer, Steph Drayton, interviewed Anita and affectionately remembers the launch night. Anita explained that she writes prolifically and there were too many songs for one album.

No faith In Trident

St Leonards-on-Sea resident, John Lynes, along with his fellow No Faith In Trident campaigners, Hannah Brock, Gillian Lawrence, Sam Donaldson and Ellis Brooks, are charged with ‘aggravated trespass’ at the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) at Burghfield where nuclear warheads are assembled. Others would label their action as ‘a non-violent protest against an illegal and immoral weapon of mass destruction’. Their trial takes place this week at Reading Magistrates’ Court. HOT’s Zelly Restorick reports.

The Hammer Blow: author talk

The Hammer Blow: How 10 Women Disarmed A War Plane, a book written by local resident, mother and peace and environmental campaigner, Andrea Needham, was published earlier this year. The book describes her experience of disarming a Hawk warplane that was bound for illegally- occupied East Timor, threatening the lives of civilians. On Thursday 15 December Andrea gives a talk about her experience at the White Rock Hotel. HOT’s Zelly Restorick writes.

The first pin-up I ever had, aged seven, was a life-size photograph of Cliff Richard wearing what I recall were cream slacks with white slip-on shoes and a loosely fitting t-shirt that appeared to be made out of the same material normally associated with string vests. He was caught in mid-air, with the image set against a lurid tangerine coloured background, suggesting sunshine and fun. It was a publicity picture for Summer Holiday, his 1962 musical, and measured a good six by four, and that’s feet not inches.

Not Here, Not Us

Earlier this month, Bronwen Griffiths published her book of short stories and flash fiction, Not Here, Not Us, about Syrian refugees and the situation in Syria. HOT’s Zelly Restorick asked Bronwen about her interest in the conflict, her support for the refugees, the organisations she’s involved with, her inspiration for writing the book and how we can find out more about the crisis. 

Spin painting exhibition at Zoom Arts gallery

Spin painting, and workshops on how to do it, come to Zoom Arts galley in the run-up to Christmas.

Posted 10:05 In: Arts News Tags: , ,

Council scraps planning notification letters

As from the New Year Hastings Borough Council will stop sending letters to notify residents of planning applications in their area. The move, confirmed at this week’s Cabinet meeting, has drawn a lot of criticism. Nick Terdre reports.

Sound Waves at the heart of the community

It’s been quite a year for Sound Waves Community Choir since Debbie Warren was appointed as resident musical director – following a period with

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