Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Photograph shows me (John Lynes) in a red Christian Peacemaker Team cap, superglued to another Quaker outside one of the gates at Burghfield.

Photograph shows John Lynes in a red Christian Peacemaker Team cap, superglued to another Quaker outside one of the gates at Burghfield.

No faith In Trident

St Leonards-on-Sea resident, John Lynes, along with his fellow No Faith In Trident campaigners, Hannah Brock, Gillian Lawrence, Sam Donaldson and Ellis Brooks, are charged with ‘aggravated trespass’ at the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) at Burghfield where nuclear warheads are assembled. Others would label their action as ‘a non-violent protest against an illegal and immoral weapon of mass destruction’. Their trial takes place this week at Reading Magistrates’ Court. HOT’s Zelly Restorick reports.

I simply do not believe the government and corporate rhetoric and spin behind this issue – nor the justifications and explanations for such a massive expenditure. The fact that Theresa May stated so vehemently that she would press the nuclear button demonstrates without a doubt humanity’s inhumanity, that the lunatics are running the asylum of our country – and how mass murder can be seen as justifiable and legal, depending on who’s doing the justifying and the judging. The public simply has no idea or insight into what is happening behind the scenes, but we do not have to unquestioningly swallow the propaganda we are fed as if we are fools.

Interview with John Lynes

Why do you feel so passionately about this issue?

I can’t bear to imagine flying over a strange city and dropping a nuclear bomb knowing it will kill tens of thousands of ordinary people. I have 12 children, 30 grandchildren, 11 great-grandchildren, and now my first great-great-grandchild: is this their future?

How do you feel about going to court?
I am ready to accept the consequences of my choices. I’ve been imprisoned before in the UK and in the Middle East. It is a different matter for the youngsters (all less than half my age) who were arrested with me. None has been in court before. I admire their determination. Being Quakers helps. Quakers have a tradition of putting conscience before comfort.

How do you feel about the government’s decision to purchase Trident?

Tragic. I can understand that Pakistan wants a bomb because India has a bomb. India wants a bomb because China has a bomb. China wants a bomb because the US and Russia have bombs. Russia wants a bomb because the US has a bomb. And vice versa all back down the line. But the UK needn’t be caught up in this cycle. We had the opportunity to place ourselves at the head of the non-nuclear nations.

Do you feel that non-violent activism can make a difference?

Nuclear disarmament may make us militarily vulnerable. Sometimes one is called to embrace vulnerability. This is what is meant by choosing nonviolent civil disobedience.

Do you feel able to maintain a sense of hope and optimism for the world and humanity?

Working as a human rights observer in Palestine and Iraq, I have seen how violence begets violence, hate begets hate. Ultimately peace and hope rest on rejecting violence and embracing compassion. It’s up to you and me.

What’s your connection to Hastings?

My wife and I were living happily in Yorkshire. When she died I knew my children would worry about me living alone (I’m 88), so I moved to Hastings in 2003 to be closer to some of them. I still miss Yorkshire folk, but I’ve come to love Hastings; there’s plenty going on.

Photo of protesters. Photo No Faith In Trident

Photo of protesters. Photo No Faith In Trident

The trial at Reading Magistrates’ Court

John Lynes, Hannah Brock, Gillian Lawrence, Sam Donaldson and Ellis Brooks would appreciate your support, if you were able to get to Reading Magistrates Court for some of the trial. This is scheduled to run from 11am on 14 December through to 5pm on 16 December. (See more on Facebook and the defendants’ blog, No Faith In Trident.)

Film about Burghfield: Month of Actions Opposing the Renewal of Trident

This film and more information can be found at The Trident Ploughshares website.


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Posted 18:39 Sunday, Dec 11, 2016 In: Campaigns

1 Comment

  1. jess

    God bless you all.

    Comment by jess — Thursday, Dec 15, 2016 @ 02:07

Also in: Campaigns

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