Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Hastings Supports Refugees in the town centre.

Hastings Supports Refugees in the town centre.

Vigil for Aleppo this Saturday

Along with others around the globe, Hastings Supports Refugees (HSR) has organised a public vigil for the people in Aleppo in Syria. Local resident and HSR member Jamie Osborn has asked HOT to promote this gathering, in the hope that as many of us as possible will come along to show we care. Zelly Restorick writes.

“As the world watches what is going on in Syria now, the vigil at the Stade Open Space on Saturday will be a presence for peace,” writes Jamie. “We can’t say it is our responsibility to stop wars, but it is our responsibility to stand for peace. Any and all are welcome on Saturday.”

I asked Jamie what we can actively do to help, aside from attending the vigil. Here are his suggestions: “People interested in helping refugees who are already in Hastings can volunteer at the Links Project, which runs a weekly drop-in session for refugees, asylum seekers, and anyone else who needs support in the UK immigration system. The sessions are from 10:30am – 4pm every Wednesday at Concordia Hall, Church Rd, St Leonards.

“The Project offers support on practical issues, as well as providing a welcoming space where everyone can feel part of the community.” Contact for more information or call Marc (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5.30pm) on 07752 495508.

“East Sussex County Council urgently need foster carers to care for refugee children. To find out more, look at the ESCC Fostering site, or contact Marcie at

“And join the Hastings Supports Refugees Facebook group (see details below) and Like the page to keep up to date with local donation drives, solidarity events and campaigning work. Feel free to post or send a message with any specific questions.”

12038478_959921390697148_7573730277403594734_nVigil for Aleppo: This Saturday, 17 December, 5.30-6.30pm at the Stade Open Space. Bring a candle if you can. Bring a sign if you can. Most importantly, just bring yourself. All welcome. 

Tweet: #StandwithAleppo

Hastings Supports Refugees Facebook page : providing information about events which raise awareness, funds and donations-in-kind to refugees.

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Posted 21:33 Thursday, Dec 15, 2016 In: Campaigns

Also in: Campaigns

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