Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2014 | Page 18 of 47

Sunday at the Sanctuary

This Sunday, 24 August, Barby Keel Animal Sanctuary hosts their annual Open Day. From noon ’til five, writes HOT’s Zelly Restorick, you can visit all the animals and birds who’ve been offered a safe haven by Barby Keel and her hard-working team of mainly volunteers, have some lunch, play the tombola, visit the various stalls and generally support a very worthy local cause.

Fight ESCC’s proposed bus cuts

ESCC is proposing to cut certain local bus services and wants to know how you feel and what you think. If you feel the buses offer a vital service to the community, then make sure you convey your opinion via their website, writes HOT’s Zelly Restorick. You can also add your name to the petition put together by Labour’s Parliamentary candidate for Hastings and Rye, Sarah Owen.

Best coffee places in St Leonard’s

After my post on Best Coffee Places in Hastings, I had many St Leonardsistas complaining that I had left their cafes out, despite me saying that I was only concentrating on Hastings Town Centre and the Old Town.  Well, now it is time to put that right, so off to St Leonard’s we go. Stephanie Gaunt, aka Hastings Battleaxe, continues her reviews.

How We Used to Live film still

Travel back to the 60s and 70s in a Rock ‘n’ Roll Double Bill

Whenever you go down the road in Britain, you travel not in three dimensions, but in four – the fourth dimension is the past. ‘How We Used to Live’ is a new archive film of 50’s and 60’s London from indie-pop band, St Etienne, and cultural commentator and writer, Travis Elborough. Annie Waite speaks with Travis to find out more about the film.

Reckless Sleepers - Guido Calamosca

Coastal Currents flows again

Coastal Currents first flowed into Hastings 15 years ago. It started small with artists opening their studios and has since evolved and swollen into an entertaining, surprising and intriguing festival. HOT’s Lauris Morgan-Griffiths was certainly impressed last year and, looking at 2014’s brochure, it looks as if the creativity is surging against the stuttery financial tide.

Everybody DANCE! – fancy footwork not essential…

This weekend, a truly inclusive dance festival comes to Hastings and Rother. There will be dance events to watch and dance classes to join in. A sense of rhythm will help, but it doesn’t matter if you have two left feet or even no feet at all. HOT’s Erica Smith finds out more from one of the organisers, Esther Fox.

6,000-mile walker calls in at Hastings RNLI

Early this month Alexander Ellis-Roswell set out from Canterbury on a 6,000-mile walk around the coast of Britain to raise funds for the RNLI Lifeboats. After passing through Hastings last week

Posted 19:54 Tuesday, Aug 19, 2014 In: Home Ground Tags: , , , ,
Scene from the Opera Garden Party © JJ Waller

Wanted: your take on St Leonards in a nutshell…

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