Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper

Disappearing buses by ZR.

Fight ESCC’s proposed bus cuts

ESCC is proposing to cut certain local bus services and wants to know how you feel and what you think. If you feel the buses offer a vital service to the community, then make sure you convey your opinion via their website, writes HOT’s Zelly Restorick. You can also add your name to the petition put together by Labour’s Parliamentary candidate for Hastings and Rye, Sarah Owen.

In these times of environmental awareness, buses offer us a vital alternative to the car. They also offer an invaluable service to certain members of the local community, who rely on their availability to travel to places for social, work and practical reasons.

Ore Public Meeting

Ore public meeting.

Over 100 people met in Ore earlier this week along with Labour candidate Sarah Owen and councillor Michael Wincott to discuss the situation, highlight how those on low incomes, the elderly, the disabled, employers and employees will be affected and to join forces to prevent the cuts.

Act now! Your voice and opinion do count. Once certain bus services are gone, it’ll be a while before they’re reinstated, if ever. Look out for the roving ‘Don’t Stop Our Bus’ campaign public meetings in Hollington, Baird, Tressell, Rye, Pett, Brede, Fairlight and Winchelsea Beach.

The ESCC consultation is open until 28 September.

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Posted 11:44 Wednesday, Aug 20, 2014 In: Campaigns


  1. Zelly Restorick

    Apologies for the errors in the article in relation to Sarah Owen and Michael Wincott. Thank you Richard for taking the time to reply.

    Re St Leonards and safety. I lived in St Leonards for a couple of years and found it to be a very safe place. I would occasionally walk home late at night and nothing ever happened to make me scared. I never saw a bus though, even when I was longing for one to come along and save me the walk from one end of town to the other. I’m a bus user – and feel that public transport should be cheaper and accessible for all those who want an alternative to the car.

    Zelly Restorick

    Comment by Zelly Restorick — Monday, Aug 25, 2014 @ 10:21

  2. blah blah

    Glad that this has been highlighted.
    I would have added a point on safety, not just for the vulnerable but for all.
    St Leonard’s, especially, is not a safe area; Soho at 4 in the morning is safer, despite its drug problems.
    Fact is if people are visibly moving about, then it is safer for all, not just those affected by the proposed reduction of bus services.

    Comment by blah blah — Saturday, Aug 23, 2014 @ 18:46

  3. Richard Street

    Could you please correct a couple of errors? Sarah Owen is Labour’s candidate for MP not a “counsellor” and Michael Wincott is a “councillor” not a “counsellor”, they are 2 quite different roles.

    Editor: @Richard. thanks for pointing that out, now amended.

    Comment by Richard Street — Thursday, Aug 21, 2014 @ 11:49

Also in: Campaigns

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