Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Angie Braven, Tropical garden

Angie Braven, Tropical garden

Successful art sale for Gaza to be reprised

The art sale for Gaza organized by Hastings Palestine Solidarity Campaign in early August proved an enormous success. Now a second round is planned, also at the White Rock Hotel, in early September, as Hastings PSC’s Rachel Lever reports.

Hastings Palestine Solidarity Campaign, together with Hastings artists and public, have raised just under £4,000 for medical aid for Gaza. This is a fantastic result: Thank you Hastings! And there’s more to come.

We were all so busy stewarding and selling that we never stopped to take photos as over 150 people crowded into the White Rock Hotel for two hours of non-stop buying. What a buzz! In addition to the 50-plus high-profile artists from Soco and Hastings Arts Forum who had donated and sold well at a standard price of £50, we got offers of up to £60 for several works by unknown artists who had turned up on the morning with their offerings.

Aboriginal painting by Danny Mooney.

Aboriginal painting.

Two amazing and valuable Australian Aboriginal paintings had been donated, one of which sold for £1,500.

Many people were unable to attend, and there are some really first-rate works left, including one of the Aboriginal paintings, two valuable salt prints by Bruce Rae and work by Angie Braven, David Newham, Lynne Bingham, Nick Snelling, Adrienne Hunter, Robin Holtom, Danny Mooney, Suzan Aral, Jameson Keane, Hazel Brook and other sought-after local artists.

So Hastings PSC have decided to re-run the sale on the final day of our three-day Palestine Cultural Festival at Coastal Currents, also at White Rock Hotel, on the evening of Thursday 4 September, which was already planned as a party night with food, music and (we hope) dancing. There will be a fresh set of buyers, the works still unsold and any further donations of art which will be most welcome.

Watch this space and our Facebook page for updates and further details of times and news of what’s on the menu.

The photos show some of the goodies still available for the next sale.

From left, David Newham, Hazel Brook, Adrienne Hunter.

Palestine Cultural Festival Tuesday 2-Thursday 4 September, White Rock Hotel, 1-10 White Rock, Hastings TN34 1JU. For more details see Hastings PSC website. To donate works to the art sale telephone 07446 050440.


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Posted 09:37 Tuesday, Aug 12, 2014 In: Campaigns

Also in: Campaigns

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