Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Scene from the Opera Garden Party © JJ Waller

Scene from the Opera Garden Party © JJ Waller

Wanted: your take on St Leonards in a nutshell…

HOT regulars will have already read that JJ Waller, photographer and friend of HOT, is bringing out a book of his images of St Leonards and Hastings. The book will be out on 5 November and will be a companion volume to his very successful book on Brighton. JJ Waller has been taking photos of St Leonards for about eight years; his images offer a refreshing  insight into our town. HOT’s Erica Smith appeals to Hastings Online Times readers to contribute their takes on St Leonards – and Hastings, too.

JJ Waller's BrightonJJ Waller’s Brighton is full of quotes about the town and he wants Hastings Online Times readers to contribute quotes about St Leonards (and Hastings) for his new book.

Now, we all know that St Leonards is NOT Brighton, and we love it for its very own St Leonard-ness. That’s why he wants to hear your personal take on the town that we have learned to love, laugh at and gripe about.

Scene from the Opera Garden Party © JJ Waller

Scene from the Opera Garden Party © JJ Waller

So, dear HOT reader, if you could come up with a ‘zingy’ sentence or two to sum up your view of S’Lens, both HOT and
JJ Waller would be delighted.

Who knows, you might even end up with your quote and a namecheck in the book!



To give you an idea below are some quotes from the Brighton book:

“I came to Brighton to get way from London but it followed me.”

“All the loose nuts roll down south.”

“Brighton and me were just the right fit a bit tatty
on the outside but with our heart in the right place.”

“In a city you rarely bump into people you know. In a village you
always see the same people Brighton is more like a town a place
where every day you meet different people you know.”

“I fell in love with Brighton when she was a naughty disobedient place, now we have grown up together become more sensible, neater and more civilised but I still love her.”

“Brighton is a city that gives the impression that no one in it
has a job, but everyone is beavering away at something but the overall impression
is of somewhere on a permanent holiday.”

“I prefer Brighton at night because I love seeing all the different lights,
I like driving down North Road seeing the wheel or at Xmas down under
all the Xmas lights. I know it sounds sad but I just love it.”

“A German journalist once asked me why it said on all the books he read
“The author lives in Brighton”. He was beginning to think it was code
for something.”

“A city made for Bohemians – where you can do just about
anything and find a curious audience to come and see it.”

“Brighton not so much a city, more a geographical collection of outlandish haircuts.”

If you do come up with a sentence or two please email

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Posted 11:07 Tuesday, Aug 19, 2014 In: Hastings People

Also in: Hastings People

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