Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2017 | Page 69 of 78

SOS for our NHS

In London on 4 March, there’s a demonstration in support of investment in our NHS and against investment in Trident: people from Hastings are attending and you’re invited to go along with them. Why are they participating?

Thee Sunday Sonics hit the America Ground

On Sunday 26 February the America Ground quarter of Hastings will play host to the official Hastings Fat Tuesday alternative. Thee Sunday Sonics is now in its third year and kicking. HOT’s Nick Weekes has emerged from a dusty bunker to offer this preview…

Contributions of migrants celebrated

One Day Without Us, a national day of action on Monday 20th to help draw attention to the contribution of migrants to life in the UK, went off well, not least in Hastings, as Hastings Green Party reports.

Divestment petition for pension committee

Divestment campaigners will step up the pressure on East Sussex County Council to withdraw pension fund investments from fossil fuels by handing in a petition ahead of the pension committee meeting next Monday. Nick Terdre reports.

Coastal Currents goes independent

Coastal Currents Arts Festival was initiated 16 years ago by Hastings Borough Council and run by them for many years. For the last 9 years, the council has commissioned independent producers to deliver the festival and from 2017, the event will become fully independent.

Recycle Swap Shop initiative

Members of the Transition Town Hastings Team have accomplished another of their goals by bringing the Swap Shop initiative here to the town. A brilliant idea where we can pass on the things we no longer want to other people who see our discarded items as discovered treasure – and we can search for things we do need/want.

Global nuclear weapons ban possible?

With negotiations to ban nuclear weapons due to begin at the United Nations next month there was a talk and discussion about this subject on 7 February, organised by Hastings Against War. John Enefer reports.

‘Show & Tell’ at Rock House

Rock House tenant Erica Smith shows-and-tells us about FlickChat2.

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