Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper

First there was FlickChat, then came FlickChat2…

‘Show & Tell’ at Rock House

Rock House tenant Erica Smith shows-and-tells us about FlickChat2.

Last November FlickChat happened at Rock House. It was intended as a night of short slide-show talks in a Pecha-Kucha style in order for the people who worked and lived in the building to find out a bit more about each other. What the tenants of Rock House didn’t expect is that the event brought in an audience from outside. Friends of the people who worked there, or people who were curious to find out more about what goes on the other side of the sliding doors.

Adam Clements and Erica Smith were tasked with organising a second FlickChat which had been scheduled (unintentionally) to coincide with Fat Tuesday. However, due to a maintainence incident at Rock House, FlickChat2 has been rescheduled for Tuesday 7 March.

Catherine Litton and Lee Bright from BBE Records are delivering one of the talks, so expect some funky tunes to warm you up for Fat Tuesday. Other treats on the list include: presentations by Rachel Manns and John Cole – two photographers each with very different styles and subject matter; a presentation by film-maker and animator Adam Clements who both lives and works in Rock House; a presentation by Francesca Roy from Wave Design about work for Infinity Foods in Brighton, plus talks by John Brunton, Arwyn Keast and Mark Curry.

Like haikus, these short, slide-show driven talks communicate in a concise and immediate way. It is the perfect medium to find out just enough about a subject to know if you want to explore it further. Plus, it is a fantastic way to find out what people do, and share their enjoyment about a subject that makes their hearts tick.

FlickChat2 has been rescheduled for Tuesday 7 March at 7pm at Rock House, 49–51 Cambridge Road, Hastings TN34 1DT. Entry is free, but a donation towards hospitality would be appreciated.

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Posted 15:20 Tuesday, Feb 21, 2017 In: Hastings People

Also in: Hastings People

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