Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2017 | Page 68 of 78

Add some variety to your Sunday afternoon

HOT’s Erica Smith is lying in the St Leonards gutter and dreaming of the stars.

Saturday 4 March – come and be part of The Stables success story

The Stables Theatre is at the top end of The Bourne, Hastings TN34 3BD.

Posted 23:26 Tuesday, Feb 28, 2017 In: Performance Tags: , , ,

More than just words – The Jane Eyre Project: a review

Aruna Vasudevan of The Literary Shed reviews the current exhibition at Hastings Arts Forum.

Heavenly piano competition into second round

Hastings International Piano Concerto Competition has a reputation for bringing the best out of the talented contestants. It’s also a moving  experience for the audience, as HOT correspondent Heidi de Winter found out when she attended the opening round. Photos by Richard Grebby of RG Studios.

Magical guitar duo hit Hastings jazz scene

A memorable evening is in store for jazz lovers, guitar lovers and music lovers in general when a formidable duo of jazz guitarists come to Hastings. Jazz Hastings’ Julian Norridge sets the scene.

A fresh look at Jane Eyre

HOT’s Erica Smith creeps into The House of The Heroine and is immersed in a whole new world of Jane Eyre.

Fat Tuesday takes centre stage

The Fat Tuesday festival is upon us! A long weekend of music and fun running from Friday 24 to Tuesday 28 February. Full details are available on the Fat Tuesday website, from which Nick Terdre has culled the following essential details. Photos (mostly) from Fat Tuesday.

Community centre site up for sale this week

The old West St Leonards primary school site in Bexhill Road (at the bottom of Filsham Road) is again under threat, this time of ‘mixed use development’. Bernard McGinley takes a look at the green space while it’s still there, and also took the photos.

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