Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2017 | Page 36 of 78

History of peace movement in the spotlight

With conflict so often hitting the headlines, it is heartening to be reminded that over the last 100 years or so individuals, whether acting on their own or collectively, have consistently and often creatively campaigned against war and for peace. With this in mind, Ann Kramer, author of two books on conscientious objectors, went to see People Power: Fighting for Peace, an exhibition on peace campaigners at London’s Imperial War Museum.

Neil Simon’s ‘London Suite’ at The Stables is ‘funny and compelling’

A night in a cardboard box

Just a reminder that about this year’s Big Sleep for The Seaview Project happening on Friday 22 September. You can actively take part by sleeping in a cardboard box – or, if this sounds too daunting, you can make a donation in support of those who do. Zelly Restorick writes.

Posted 13:24 Friday, Jul 21, 2017 In: Campaigns Tags: , ,

Flora at Zoom Arts

Anthony Birch is back this year with a fresh vibrant twist! A departure from last years architecturally styled monochromatic drawings of Hastings’ landmarks, Anthony has taken to canvas, producing colourful paintings with a summer feel. Zoom Arts’ Susan Cleland writes.

Dom Pipkin plays the New Orleans Blues

It was a hot and sweaty summer night when jazz musician and enthusiast Lynda Murray went to see the Ikos Trio with Dom Pipkin at Kino-Teatr. It turned out to be a memorable occasion, as she reports.

Henri Matisse exhibition

Murmurations Gallery in Bexhill-on-Sea will be holding a selling exhibition of Henri Matisse’ (1869 – 1954) original lithographs from 1 -27 August. It will be the first time that original lithographs from one of the leading Modern Masters of 20th Century Art will be exhibiting in Bexhill. Joe Nguyen from Murmurations Gallery writes.

19 July meeting: Save Bus 28

28 Bus Campaign ‘Let your voices be heard’. Representatives from Stagecoach and local councillors will be at a meeting about the recent reduction in the 28 bus service on the 19 July. This is to create a dialogue with the bus company and let them know about local residents needs, as changes to the service will be reviewed by Stagecoach in September. Marilyn from the campaign to save the service writes.

Vocal Explosion inspires and relaxes

Vocal Explosion World Music Choir is a community choir based in Hastings that has received funding from Sussex Community Foundation (SCF) this year to show how singing, and music generally, is good for health and well-being. Music journalist Jonathan Lennie writes about his experience of one of the ‘feel good’ workshops and encourages you to go along too. 

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