Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Save Bus 28 Campaign

Save Bus 28 Campaign

19 July meeting: Save Bus 28

28 Bus Campaign ‘Let your voices be heard’. Representatives from Stagecoach and local councillors will be at a meeting about the recent reduction in the 28 bus service on the 19 July. This is to create a dialogue with the bus company and let them know about local residents needs, as changes to the service will be reviewed by Stagecoach in September. Marilyn from the campaign to save the service writes.

The only bus that now runs from the station to the hospital via Ore Village is the number 28. Stagecoach has acknowledged that this service was unreliable. Users of the service experienced constant lateness – 30 minutes late was not unusual – and buses were often cancelled.

To rectify this, Stagecoach has cut a bus each day and reduced the service from one an hour to every one hour and ten minutes in the hope that the buses will be on time. There are no buses after around 6 pm.

West hill is a very steep hill. Not everyone has a car. Not everyone has the ability or health to do the walk. There is a school and doctors surgery on the hill; the route is to the Conquest Hospital and the shops.

Local residents were not informed about these changes and they were angry and had several productive meetings. It was felt important to have a conversation with Stagecoach and our local councillors before the current timetable is reviewed by the bus company in September.

The Campaigners say. “Let your voices be heard. We want a better service not a lesser service”.

The 28 Bus Campaign public meeting is on the 19 July at 7pm, Mendham Hall, Vicarage/Plynlimmon Road, TN34 3LZ. Contact


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Posted 15:04 Tuesday, Jul 18, 2017 In: Campaigns

1 Comment

  1. lara bishop

    i’ve had too rely on the no 28 bus for the last 5 years to get to the conquest. as ive had numerous physio appointments, and 3 operations on my knee. as well as appointments to see the orthopedic surgeon.i live in the clive vale area, so have to walk too ore to get the bus.this bus has never been on time, and on numerous times its just gone past me back from the hospital when it should have been at the bus stop. so i’ve had to call a taxi. if i had appointments for half past the hr or quarter to the hr i’ve had to catch the bus an hr earlier as i know it wont turn up on time, so i’ve had to wait up the hospital for ages .and its a nightmare getting home i’ve often had to catch the no 26 to the bus station and the no 20 home otherwise i’m waiting up the hospital for up to an hr thats if its on time, i can’t see why the stagecoach cant put on 2 buses an hr as all other buses from all other areas of the town run every 20 mins,to the hospital, i feel that stage coach have let all the residents of this side of town down badly.
    lara bishop

    Comment by lara bishop — Friday, Sep 1, 2017 @ 13:25

Also in: Campaigns

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