Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2016 | Page 62 of 63

Wanted: volunteers for Sara Lee Trust

As it prepares to open a new charity shop in Ore village – its fifth – the Sara Lee Trust is on the look-out for volunteers to staff it. Nick Terdre reports.

Posted 16:00 Wednesday, Jan 13, 2016 In: Grassroots Tags: , , , , ,
Sparkly Bird by Kat Lee Ryan

Sparkly Bird

Kat Lee-Ryan is a highly talented local singer songwriter and keyboard player. Colourful. Flamboyant. Very much her own woman. One of a kind. Kat’s voice is both haunting and powerful; she’s one of those people, who you feel is singing and writing about her real life experiences. And that’s exactly what Sparkly Bird is – a uniquely personal musical journey. HOT’s Zelly Restorick reports.

Photo ZR

Local fossil fuel divestment?

What is fossil fuel divestment? The opposite of fossil fuel investment. A topic for serious discussion and debate around the globe. And locally. HOT’s Zelly Restorick reports.

I Am A Norman – photographic project

In September and October the Root 1066 International Festival will take place in Hastings, St Leonards and surrounding areas. Hastings Borough Council will be staging a contemporary, multi-art-form festival, celebrating 950 years since the battle took place. There will be a curated programme and a number of projects engaging local people. Erica Smith reports on a photographic project which is already under way.

‘Bunker’ appeal listed but postponed

The so-called Bunker dominating the Country Park at Rocklands, is still standing. Will it survive or will it have to be demolished? Last March, Hastings Borough Council rejected retrospective planning application HS/FA/14/01036. Now the matter is going to appeal, to be heard by a planning inspector appointed by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. Bernard McGinley reports.

A fresh look through the Windows of TASS

To coincide with the Russian New Year, Kino Teatr are featuring an exhibition of original, stencil cut and hand-painted Soviet posters. These were used to promote State information to the Russian public during the Second World War and throughout the 1950s. Baker Mamonova Gallery has invited contemporary British and Russian artists with an interest in these powerful and striking graphics to produce a piece of work in response using the same stencil techniques. These will be displayed alongside the original TASS posters. Erica Smith looks through the Kino-Teatr windows to review the Windows of Tass.

Hastings chess spoils shared

It was heads down and much deep thinking as chess players from around the world competed at the Hastings International Chess Congress –

Road go-ahead a flawed decision, say opponents

The ”very serious issue of air pollution” was left on one side by the planning committee when it granted permission for construction of the Queensway Gateway road, say opponents Combe Haven Defenders. Nick Terdre reports.

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