Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2014 | Page 7 of 47

Combe Haven Valley - minus roadworks (Photo Oliver Tookey, I think!)

Puzzling over planning and protection

Puzzled about planning? I know I am, writes HOT’s Zelly Restorick. Earlier today, I received a press release from the Combe Haven Defenders (one of the groups working locally to protect natural spaces ‘in perpetuity’) stating: “Planned new road would destroy ‘irreplaceable’ wildlife site”.

Volunteers get down and dirty on the link road

Local archaeology enthusiasts working along the route of a new road have helped unearth what is thought to be one of the most significant finds of prehistoric remains in the country, writes Chris Cormack.

The old man at the Stade

Hot columnist Sean O’Shea continues his dialogue with the old man at the Stade (A fishy tale, HOT June 28th 2013). They talk about Buddhism, Plato’s cave and other topics.

Posted 13:00 Wednesday, Oct 29, 2014 In: SOS Tags: , , , , , ,

Let’s Do Business – an invitation to scare the Suits!

Each year FAT Promotions take part in the Let’s Do Business

In the realm of the unmissable

In a triumphant return to Hastings, the Chapman Brothers put on an epic show at the Jerwood Gallery which leaves HOT’s Chris Connelley gripped.

CHD wrong on road project, say Sea Change

Sea Change Sussex, the agency applying to build the Queensway Gateway Road, have taken issue with Combe Haven Defenders’ (CHD) representation of the project in yesterday’s article entitled New road set to increase traffic congestion. A spokesman sent HOT the following statement.

Voice Squad

Tracey Johnson and Claudine Eccleston both love Reggae music and wanted to start a choir singing Reggae, Soul and Funk, writes HOT’s Bev Francis. Between them, they began their own choir and they had some fun sharing songs with friends and singing along to a backing track, but as Tracey told me: “What we were really doing is group karaoke. We had the will, but not the knowhow. That’s until we met Micky”

Film making experience this weekend

Independent film company, Roman Candle Productions, are looking for a runner and a make-up artist for this weekend’s shoot of the film, ‘Scarlet’. No money on offer, as everyone involved is working for free, but an opportunity for someone to work with a professional company and make some new contacts, writes HOT’s John Knowles.

Posted 07:22 In: Film Tags: ,
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