Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2022 | Page 21 of 43

Celebrate Nana Tsiboe by singing at St Leonards Festival

Ghanaian-born Nana Tsiboe who died last month was a regular performer at St Leonards Festival. Singers Amber Leafe and Juliet Russell want to bring together a choir over the next three weeks so they can perform some of Nana’s songs at this year’s festival.

Posted 23:58 Friday, Jun 17, 2022 In: Music & Sound Tags: , , ,

Disabled access group on platform lifts and being spoken for

The inclusion of a platform lift in the proposal for a new restaurant on the council-owned site in Harold Place proved controversial. The disabled access group HAVE, as potential users, offer their own views on the matter.

HIPCC winner returns for Summer Picnic Concert

The 2022 Hastings International Piano Concerto Competition winner, Shunta Morimoto, returns for a Summer Picnic Concert at Fairlight Hall on Saturday 2 July.

Rumours of Fleetwood Mac

What’s HOT at the White Rock

HOT’s Paul Way-Rider takes a look at some of the shows coming up in the next few weeks at the White Rock Theatre.

Posted 11:23 In: Performance Tags:
Bob Mazzer by Stephanie Gaunt

Last chance to see Mazzer at the Museum

Bob Mazzer’s exhibition has been gracing the walls of Hastings Museum and Art Gallery since January. If you haven’t seen it yet, Erica Smith reminds you to get your skates on because it closes on Sunday 26 June. And, if you want a real treat, book to hear Bob talk about his work on Thursday 23 June.

Posted 21:52 Wednesday, Jun 15, 2022 In: Photography

230+ Bexhill residents lobby their councillor to stop funding local pensions with investment in fossil fuels

On Saturday 11 June, Bexhill South residents gathered outside the De La Warr Pavilion to ask Councillor Ian Hollidge to vote in favour of fossil fuel divestment at the East Sussex County Council (ESCC) pension fund meeting on 20 July. Erica Smith went to see why Councillor Hollidge’s constituents are getting hot under the collar.

Posted 21:08 In: Campaigns

Marianne North Botanic Garden

HOT’s Zelly Restorick spotted that there are plans afoot for a Hastings Botanical Garden to be evolved and developed over the coming years. She asks the initiator of the idea, Alexander Wilberforce, some questions to find out more. 

Sanctuary Festival 2022

Musicians and artists join a day of community, creativity and hope on Saturday 25 & Sunday 26 June 2022 at Hastings Museum & Art Gallery. Sanctuary Festival sends a simple message of welcome to all, with some of Hastings’ best musicians and artists once again showing their support for the act of seeking sanctuary. Dominika Hicks writes.

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