Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2020 | Page 51 of 55

Hastings Fat Tuesday hosts SONICS 2020

SONICS brings some major names in electronic and experimental music to Hastings Fat Tuesday this year, with artists Plaid, Leila and DJ Food headlining the weekend event that also includes much local talent, workshops and talks. Nick Weekes gives us a guided tour.

Posted 10:14 Monday, Feb 17, 2020 In: Music & Sound

Fat Tuesday festivities break out on Friday

Now in its eleventh year, Hastings’ annual Mardi Gras celebration, Fat Tuesday, where scores of acts converge on dozens of venues to entertain thousands of punters for five days of music and general madness, launches on Friday 21 February this year. Darren Johnson surveys the rich offer of music and entertainment which lies in store. Images supplied by Fat Tuesday PR team.

Lifeboat heroes acclaimed at council meeting

The crew of the Hastings lifeboat which launched in Sunday’s storm in search of a surfer were acclaimed for their bravery ahead of the meeting of the full council on Wednesday, as HBC Communications report. Photos by Kevin Boorman.

Support urged for Christ Church solar energy scheme following HBC refusal

Plans to install solar panels on Christ Church in Ore, while fully in line with Hastings Borough Council’s policy of boosting renewable energy, have run into objections from the council’s planners. Energise Sussex Coast, one of the project partners, is calling on town residents to post a supportive comment. Nick Terdre reports.

Jazz and laughter from Mike and Herbie on Valentine’s Day

If jazz and laughter create your desired atmosphere on Valentine’s Day, an evening with Mike Hatchard and Herbie Flowers at St Mary in the Castle could be just the place for you, as venue manager Sean Berkeley explains.

Posted 17:32 Wednesday, Feb 12, 2020 In: Music & Sound Tags: , , ,
Practising some wand work dressed as the eponymous hero

A magical evening in Hastings for Harry Potter fans

On Friday (7 February), families from across Hastings celebrated all things magical at a spectacular Harry Potter Book Night event in Hastings Library. The National Literacy Trust reports with photos from the event in Hastings Library. Photos by Caitlin Lock.

The White Rock Theatre

What’s HOT at The White Rock

HOT”s Paul Way-Rider takes a look at what’s happening at the White Rock Theatre (WRT) this month (and later in the year), including details of shows from top Genesis tribute act The Musical Box, Strictly Come Dancing professional dancers, and more!

Greta Thunbergs descend on County Hall to demand end to fossil fuel investments

Divest East Sussex officially launched a nonviolent direct action campaign this week as a result of East Sussex County Council’s refusal to stop funding climate change. HOT’s Erica Smith went along to meet the Gang of Gretas.

Posted 17:43 In: Campaigns
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