Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2020 | Page 55 of 55

Planning forum on Bulverhythe housing scheme this Monday

A planning pre-application forum is to be held on Monday 13 January in connection with Hastings Borough Council’s plans for an extensive housing development on the Bulverhythe recreation ground. Bernard McGinley reports.

Panchanathan wins, but chess congress faces having to find new venue

Hastings International Chess Congress went well under its new sponsor, with the added bonus of a clear winner in the Masters – India’s Magesh Chandran Panchanathan. But a shadow hangs over its future as it faces the prospect of having to find a new venue for future editions. Nick Terdre reports. Photos by Brendan O’Gorman.

Jazz Hastings welcomes Xhosa Cole Quartet for first gig of 2020

Have you been to the library lately? (plus literary events from Jan 7, 2020)

Sex, power and money – yes, please! A list of the latest must-read books, new DVDs, the East Sussex Children’s Book Award, Supernova magnification and software for the blind and partially sighted  – this is the news from East Sussex County Council. And there’s an app for your phone so you can stay in touch and manage your membership wherever you are.

Council ‘vision’ threatens White Rock Gardens

Members and officers of Hastings Borough Council (HBC) have a ‘vision’ of disposing of the green spaces that are the glory of St Leonards & Hastings.  Central government meanwhile is proclaiming the merits of garden towns. Bernard McGinley wonders what’s going on, and how much space is at risk.

Fresh lease of life for Hastings’ prestigious chess tournament

After six rounds of the Masters tournament at Hastings International Chess Congress, Indian Grandmaster Magesh Chandran Panchanathan is in the sole lead. The tournament is enjoying a fresh lease of life with a new sponsor and a big increase in the number of participants. Nick Terdre reports. Photos by Brendan O’Gorman.

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