Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

sex-power-money-sara-pascoe-350pixHave you been to the library lately? (plus literary events from Jan 7, 2020)

Sex, power and money – yes, please! A list of the latest must-read books, new DVDs, the East Sussex Children’s Book Award, Supernova magnification and software for the blind and partially sighted  – this is the news from East Sussex County Council. And there’s an app for your phone so you can stay in touch and manage your membership wherever you are.

East Sussex Children’s Book Award

escba2020East Sussex Libraries have been running the Children’s Book Award (#ESCBA2020) for 15 years. Previously only open to schools, this year we’re inviting families and community groups to take part too. Children can discover great authors and exciting reads, design book covers, write reviews or create their own stories.

The Children’s Book Award is for young people aged between 8 and 11. No need to register, take part by reading any or all of the six shortlisted books. Once you’ve chosen your favourite – vote for it.


dyssnovaThe screen magnification delivers class-leading, high resolution images while the text reader can read from USB files, web pages or hard copies.
And if you’d like assistance using these facilities our friendly and knowledgeable volunteers are here to help.

To book a session simply call 01323 463759 and ask for a SuperNova booking at your local library.

Library App

library-appSpydus Mobile is a free app which lets you access library services and manage your membership, any time.

Use the app to search for books, reserve items and download eBooks. keep track of your library account and manage the items you’ve got out on loan.

You can also use Spydus Mobile to scan barcodes on books, CDs, DVDs or other items while you’re out and about, and then search for available copies at your local library.

Download the Android app from Google Play

Download the Apple app from the App Store

Need a PIN or having trouble accessing your account? Contact us here.

Our must-read books for 2020

sex-power-money-sara-pascoeSex, power and/or money. Our library team have come up with the titles they deem must-read books for 2020 – all available to you as a member of East Sussex Libraries!

Visit the Your East Sussex website, the go-to place for all your local news and features, brought to you by East Sussex County Council.

Loaded with top tips for greener living, things to do, book reviews, local history and events – there is something for everyone.



Diary of events
Follow us on our Library Facebook page to get up-the-minute library news, views and trivia.

Code Clubs are free coding sessions for children aged 8-13 during term time. Learn how to code simple animations, games and websites using Scratch or HTML

Rhymetime and Storytimes are a great opportunity to meet other families, sing and enjoy a story. They are great for your child’s speech and language and have a positive effect on the mood and mental wellbeing of parents and carers.

If you know the basics of using computers but can get stumped by quite simple problems a Computer Buddy can help.

Energy Advice Desk with Energise Sussex, obtain free support with energy bills at Bexhill Library.

New DVDs out this month
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Once upon a time in Westeros, in the Lost City of Gold and in Hollywood. Overthrow the patriarchy or just drive a car, really, really fast! New releases, future classics, and classic classics in our DVD collection.

Bookshops & Events

Bookbuster 39 Queens Rd, Hastings
Sheer Poetry – Thursday 16 January, 2020, 6 – 8 pm  –  £2 on the door.
Go to Bookbuster’s Facebook page to see more.

Printed Matter Bookshop 185 Queens Rd, Hastings TN34 1RG
Jan 2020: Book launch of Paul Anderson’s Suedeheads & film screening of Horace Ove’s ‘Reggae 1970’ at The Electric Palace Cinema, Old Town.
Please see Facebook page for details of other events.

The Bookkeeper Bookshop 1a Kings Rd, St Leonards
Come and look at the Bookkeeper Bookshop Facebook page to see more.

The Hare & Hawthorn Bookshop 
51 George St, Hastings Old Town
For more information see the Hare & Hawthorn Facebook page.

Angela J. Phillip
Happy New Year! I really appreciate you all. Thank you for reading and for writing to me.

I hope that 2020 has started happily for you and that it will be peaceful and productive for us all. I used to think that peaceful and productive might be opposites, since creativity often comes out of trouble and pain. But it can come out of peace, too, so let’s hope for that.

After struggling to meet some deadlines that got delayed over the holiday period, I’m almost back on track so next week I hope that I’ll have made progress on my website.

I’m aiming to do the Newsletters once a month. Thanks again to those kind people who have signed up. I’ve kept saying that the Newsletter will start soon but by the end of January, the first one will be out and after that, they should be regular (like these HOT posts).

Once again, to those who have already signed up for my Newsletter – I am hugely grateful. To anyone who hasn’t, I would be thrilled if you did.

Please see: The Newsletter signup form is on the right hand side as you scroll down.

Comments and suggestions are always welcome.

Thanks so much for reading.

Angela J. Phillip

If you’re enjoying HOT and would like us to continue providing fair and balanced reporting on local matters please consider making a donation. Click here to open our PayPal donation link. Thank you for your continued support!

Posted 09:00 Tuesday, Jan 7, 2020 In: Hastings Bookchat

Also in: Hastings Bookchat

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