Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2020 | Page 10 of 55

Busy month for local refugee support groups

October is a month of action on various fronts for local refugee support groups, including a food collection this coming weekend, a poster campaign around town and the delivery of a petition urging the government to lift the ban on asylum seekers working – all this against the background of the Home Secretary’s announcement that she plans to reform the “broken” asylum system. Nick Terdre reports.

Why the Tories still cannot be trusted with our NHS

While the country’s ability to fight the Covid-19 virus continues to be hampered by the government’s insistence on prioritising private means over public resources, Michael Madden finds no reason to change the conclusion he arrived at in May, that the Tories cannot be trusted with our NHS.

Coastal Currents reinvents itself whilst celebrating success through adversity

Coastal Currents is a well established local arts festival with an impressive track record – Stella Keen interviewed director Tina Morris on the difficulties faced in this ‘year of the plague’ and her plans for the future.

Martha Trust runners go virtual in London Marathon

Local charity Martha Trust will have seven runners under its colours in the Virtual London Marathon this Sunday. Meanwhile the Trust has received a generous grant from a Masonic charity. Nick Terdre reports.

Posted 21:03 Saturday, Oct 3, 2020 In: Charities

Council ignores planning abuses (including its own)

The Rocklands mess does not get better. The caravan park’s current retrospective planning application for the Bunker uglifying the Country Park doesn’t mention the Bunker balcony extension put in after the Planning Inspector’s decision to forbid it. Hastings Borough Council (HBC) doesn’t mention it either, and has shelved its enforcement enquiry pending hearing of the application. Years after this controversy started, it remains all not good enough. Report and photos by Bernard McGinley.

Trinity Triangle receives £2m for Heritage Action Zone

Local community groups are asked to come forward with their ideas for the Trinity Triangle, also known as America Ground, following Historic England’s award of £2m to be invested in buildings, public spaces and creative projects. Vicky Huggins reports.

St Leonards flooded with forged Bank of Edward Lear five pound notes

As the ATownExploresABook Crowdfunder draws to a close (at midnight on Thursday 1 October), a source reveals that counterfeit versions of the Bank of Edward Lear five pound notes have been discovered in the pop-up currency exchanges around St Leonards. Our HOT financial advisor reports on the fraudulent fiscal activity.

Posted 19:25 Wednesday, Sep 30, 2020 In: Arts News

£1m awarded for Hastings initial Town Deal projects

The four projects submitted by Hastings Town Deal board for accelerated funding have all received government approval, winning the town a much needed shot of investment. Report by Nick Terdre, photos by Russell Jacobs.

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