Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2019 | Page 56 of 62

Wanted: 100 Hulks to take on half marathon challenge

As the Hastings Half Marathon approaches on Sunday 24 March, the call has gone out for 100 runners dressed as the Incredible Hulk to help raise awareness of and funds for the A-T (Ataxia-Telangiectasia) Society, which has been supporting five-year-old Winston Pemberton-Powell since he was diagnosed with A-T in 2015. Nick Terdre reports.

Posted 12:19 Monday, Feb 25, 2019 In: Health Matters Tags: , , ,
Ricky Gervais

What’s HOT at the White Rock

HOT’s Paul Way-Rider takes a look at some of the White Rock Theatre’s programme for the next couple of months and beyond including shows from Ricky Gervais and UB40.

Look Good Feel Good adult workshop

The Sara Lee Trust partners with Look Good Feel Better charity

For over 20 years, Look Good Feel Better have dedicated themselves to assisting those dealing with the visible side-effects of cancer treatments. The Sara Lee Trust are now looking to bring LGFB’s incredible efforts to Hastings and Rother, and are seeking volunteers to assist with their cause, writes Jordan Dixon

Sara Lee Trust celebrates Hastings and Rother Therapy Month

After a successful launch last year, the Sara Trust Lee Trust are once again looking forward to their Hastings and Rother Therapy Month this March. Looking to repeat their previous success, the Trust are seeking therapists and counsellors to volunteer their services in a bid to promote the positive impact therapy and counselling can have one’s mental health and well-being, writes Jordan Dixon.

Climate motion passed by HBC, but Greens disappointed

Hastings now has a climate emergency policy, following the unanimous approval given by the full council last week. A Tory amendment was voted down, and the Greens, who started the climate emergency ball rolling, declared themselves disappointed with the policy. Nick Terdre reports.

Councillor resigns from Labour over antisemitism concerns

Cllr Dany Louise this week resigned from the Labour Party, citing a “huge rise of antisemitism amongst the Party membership.” However she says she will remain a local councillor sitting as an independent. Nick Terdre reports.

1,000 books for young people with visual impairments

£6,540 has been awarded by DM Thomas Foundation for Young People to help provide 1,000 books adapted for young people with visual impairments to the National Accessible Library run by Seeing Ear. The foundation reports.

The Jerwood, and arts teaching at school, need a rethink

Tony Harrison,  a retired teacher, is less than enchanted with the Jerwood Gallery which he feels enshrines elitist values – though the break-up with the Jerwood Foundation offers a chance for a change of direction. HOT welcomes other points of view on this topical matter.

Posted 20:48 Sunday, Feb 17, 2019 In: Point of View Tags: ,
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