Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2019 | Page 20 of 62

Lynda Murray’s special jazz guest at Mama Putts

Local jazz musician Lynda Murray has a special guest for her September spot at Mama Putts – guitarist Deidre Cartwright. Long acquainted, they have both enjoyed interesting and varied careers in jazz, she tells HOT.

Decision: Javad stays in the UK!

Readers of Hastings Online Times have been part of the campaign to support Javad in his quest to remain in the UK – and it is with delight that we update you: Javad has been given permission to stay here. HOT’s Zelly Restorick writes.

Colombia Day


Avoiding Earthxit

Will money save our planet? How do we address our climate crisis without waiting for political and corporate engagement? In a series of 3 talks from articles published in International Times, Kendal Eaton

Printed Matter Bookshop, 185 Queens Rd, Hastings

Best Bookshops: The Printed Matter Bookshop, 185 Queens Rd, Hastings

More than just a place to buy interesting books, The Printed Matter Bookshop runs author events and book clubs – and you can get vinyl, too. Lee Humphries talks to Angela J. Phillip about the delights and difficulties of running an independent bookshop.

Jo Brand and friends support Sara Lee Trust

plus Robin Ince and Andy Robinson are on the bill. Erica Smith writes.

G&S evening with Opera South East

Opera South East present a “rollicking romp” through the topsy-turvy world of Gilbert & Sullivan, featuring excerpts from across the range of the Savoy Operas they created, costumed and semi-staged. There will be performances in Winchelsea, Battle and Bexhill.

Code 17 by Francis Booth

Interviews with writers: Francis Booth – Code 17 thrillers and much much more

Francis Booth, a highly acclaimed writer based in St Leonards has more than twenty titles to his name. This year he has published two new thrillers: Code 17 and Code 17.2. Angela J. Phillip goes to see him to find out more.

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