Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2019 | Page 50 of 62

A book, a town, 53 events, multiple perspectives

The #ATownExploresABook festival is in its third year and this year Robinson Crusoe is the book that has been selected for exploration. HOT writer Erica Smith – one of the many contributors to the festival – gives her take on Crusoe in St Leonards.

A flavour of Beatles Day

Faced with more than 10 hours of music and more than 100 acts spread over four stages, the Beatles Day visitor has hard choices to make. HOT’s music reviewer Brian Hick was particularly entranced with an a capella group and a ukulele band.

Posted 12:17 In: Music & Sound

Beatles Day 20 – as founder Pete prepares to say goodbye

It’s the 20th edition of Beatles Day this Sunday and founder and mainstay Pete Prescott’s last hurrah. He takes his leave as organiser against the background of a record number of acts and the inauguration of a fourth stage to accommodate them all. Nick Terdre reports.

Chair should have declared conflict of interest, says critic

The application for installing five kiosks on the pier was passed by HBC’s planning committee at its March meeting, but in the view of local resident Chris Hurrell the committee chair, Cllr Alan Roberts, should have declared a conflict of interest and left the room. In Mr Hurrell’s view, the chair was also remiss in allowing the pier owner to ramble on about irrelevant matters when answering questions from committee members. Nick Terdre reports.

White Liars and Black Comedy double bill at the Stables

Starting this Friday 5 April and running through to Saturday 13 April, 

Posted 16:38 Thursday, Apr 4, 2019 In: Performance Tags: , , , , , ,

Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana returns by popular demand

Back by popular demand, Hastings Philharmonic Choir returns to St Mary in the Castle with Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana this Saturday, 6 April, as choir member Chris Cormack explains.

Robinson Crusoe  deconstructed

It all started with a sculpture. And a chat – when Gail Borrow, the founder and the power behind the St Leonards experimental theatrical events, Explore the Arch, and sculptor Bernard McGuigan talked about  working together creatively. The seeds having been planted, they just needed a project. As the 300th anniversary of Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe was imminent, that is the venture they developed. Intrigued, HOT’s Lauris Morgan-Griffiths talked to Bernard McGuigan.

From Woodstock to Hastings with Henry Lowther

It’s not often that Jazz Hastings gets the chance to feature a brilliant musician who appeared at the legendary Woodstock Festival in 1969. But that’s exactly what will happen when we host veteran trumpeter Henry Lowther and his long established band Still Waters at our next session on 9 April, says Julian Norridge.

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