Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2019 | Page 55 of 62

Guitar duo back in Hastings

The Jazz Hastings session on Tuesday 12 March brings a welcome return for two of the best guitarists around. Pete Oxley and Nicolas Meier both have huge international reputations as individual artists, but together they reach new heights as the Oxley-Meier Guitar Project, says Julian Norridge.

Posted 14:40 Tuesday, Mar 5, 2019 In: Music & Sound Tags: , , , ,

Piano crown goes to Koido as HIPCC broadens its horizons

Hastings International Piano Concerto Competition came to a glorious climax on Saturday at the White Rock Hotel, with Japanese contestant Fumiya Koido declared the winner. Plans for enhancing the competition, including a piano festival next year, were also announced. Nick Terdre reports, photos by John Cole.

Dog attacks leave sheep dead in the Country Park

Twelve sheep, all in lamb, died and others were injured when two out-of-control dogs got into their field on Sunday morning, HBC communications department reports.

HAW renews campaign against use of drones in  warfare

Hastings Against War continues to campaign against the growing use of drones in warfare with a consciousness-raising evening and the annual Fly Kites Not Drones event on the beach. John Enefer reports.

Posted 20:27 Sunday, Mar 3, 2019 In: Campaigns Tags: , , ,

Audience appeal vs technical virtuosity? A point of view

As finalists in the Hastings International Piano Concerto Competition enjoy a brief respite before summoning their forces for a final effort, Brian Hick, editor of Larks Review and a diligent observer of all stages of the competition, offers some thoughts from his seat in the stalls.

Six compete for piano crown

Hastings International Piano Concerto Competition is approaching its climax, with six contestants selected for the final on Friday and Saturday evenings at the White Rock Theatre. Nick Terdre reports, photos by John Cole.

People’s opera project into new phase – participants wanted!

Barefoot Opera are moving into a new phase of their ‘people’s opera’ with a call-out for participants to start working towards the performance of an extract in late April and full performance a year later. The first events take place this weekend: a workshop for would-be chorus members and sessions in musical improvisation as part of the Hastings Fat Tuesday Festival. Nick Terdre reports.

Residents’ voice still ignored as bathing pool site plans advance

Hastings Borough Council is pushing ahead with its plans for a large housing development on the former bathing pool site in West St Leonards, unmoved by the continuing efforts of local residents to have a say in what happens in their neck of the woods. Residents are asked to object to the council’s planned disposal of the site and attend the Cabinet meeting next Monday when their petition will be presented. Nick Terdre reports.

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