Sheep lie dead or severely mauled following dog attacks in the Country Park.
Dog attacks leave sheep dead in the Country Park
Twelve sheep, all in lamb, died and others were injured when two out-of-control dogs got into their field on Sunday morning, HBC communications department reports.
Sunday morning saw a gruesome sight unfold at Hastings Country Park with many sheep lying dead and injured in the worst dog attack the site has experienced. Two dogs from a local property caused carnage when they got into a field with sheep.
Police and graziers attended as soon as they could. Some sheep were already dead, others were so badly mauled that they had to be shot. Twelve sheep in all died, all of them in lamb. The grazier was forced to shoot the dogs as they were still attacking the sheep. It is understood the dogs belong to a local resident nearby.
Colin Fitzgerald, lead councillor for Hastings Borough Council’s environmental services and chair of the Hastings Country Park management forum, said:
“This was absolutely tragic. We have never suffered such a devastating dog attack at the Country Park. The police are investigating to find the owners of the dogs and the reason why they were out alone. Everyone who has a dog should keep it on a lead when near any fields at the Country Park.”
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