Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2019 | Page 34 of 62

MP impressed with community support for Marshlink stations

Hastings & Rye MP Amber Rudd, who has lobbied the government for improved rail links to London, has been given a whistle-stop tour to view community work, including artwork by schoolchildren, being undertaken at some of the Marshlink stations between Hastings and Ashford.

Hastings Theatre Festival Launch 2019

Hastings Fringe is thrilled to announce the launch of the 1st annual Hastings Theatre Festival in 2019. The Festival brings world-class theatre to Hastings and St Leonards on Sea and will take place from the 1 – 7 July in selected venues.

Why I joined the Extinction Rebellion

from Extinction Rebellion (XR) Rye writes about what catalysed him to join the XR movement and how it has helped him to overcome his climate change disavowal.

Strandliner: cleaner beaches, cleaner seas

Andy Dinsdale, initiator of Strandliner, would like to say a huge thank you to all the wonderful volunteers who have been able to give their time and energy for the clean ups and recordings.

Fund raising challenge: Race To The Stones

Education Futures Trust (EFT) volunteer, Emily Mitchell (19), has taken on the epic challenge, Race To The Stones, in July in a quest to raise funds for the Hastings based charity.

World Listening Day 2019

You are invited to participate in World Listening Day 2019, an annual global event held every 18 July. 

Posted 19:23 In: Nature

21 June: Youth Strike 4 Climate in Hastings

This coming Friday (21 June 2019), Youth Strike 4 Climate in Hastings and St Leonards have organised another action for Climate Justice. Your presence and support are needed. HOT’s Zelly Restorick reports.

Celebratory production at Stables opens Friday

On Friday the curtains will open on one of the highlights of the Stables Theatre’s 60th anniversary celebrations, a production by its American exchange partners, Chicago Heights Drama Group. On Sunday a lunch was held to mark the day the theatre opened its doors for the first time in 1959. Publicist Lynda Foy writes, photos by Colin Foy.

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