Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Photo Chris Broughton

Last month’s Youth Strike 4 Climate (Photo Chris Broughton)

21 June: Youth Strike 4 Climate in Hastings

This coming Friday (21 June 2019), Youth Strike 4 Climate in Hastings and St Leonards have organised another action for Climate Justice. Your presence and support are needed. HOT’s Zelly Restorick reports.


Meet outside Cafe Nero in Hastings at 11am.

Bring placards, posters, flags and banners.

EVERYBODY is welcome to join, regardless of age.

Climate change is fully inclusive: it involves all of us.

I am thinking beyond the stereotypes associated with age.

To me, these ‘young’ people are all human souls, who care about their individual and collective future.

Photo Chris Broughton

Photo Chris Broughton

The word ‘young’ has many associations and connotations – unique associations and connotations. 

Photo Chris Broughton

Photo Chris Broughton

I feel we should see beyond their age in human years.

Photo Chris Broughton

Photo Chris Broughton

They all have their own unique inate wisdom to share.

Photo Chris Broughton

Photo Chris Broughton

These young human beings are marching together side by side, alongside one another, yet they each walk to their own rhythm and drum beat.

Photo Chris Broughton

Photo Chris Broughton

Each is a unique individual, united with other unique individuals in a collective action: united peacefully, non-violently, by their shared ground, cares and concerns, .

Photo Chris Broughton

Photo Chris Broughton

Yes, they’re under 18, but what does that mean, exactly? If I say to you ‘There is a 16 year old girl’ or ‘There is a 7 year old boy’, what does that tell you about that unique human being?

Adults – those over 18 years of age – don’t have the monopoly on wisdom. On caring.

Photo Chris Broughton

Photo Chris Broughton

Each person sees life from their own unique perspective. How can knowing their age inform you of anything but how many human years they have lived on this earth?

Photo Chris Broughton

Photo Chris Broughton

I know some people who are over 18 – some by numerous decades – who live like stereotypical ‘teenagers’.

I am sure you do too.


Being an ‘adult’ doesn’t automatically mean we are wise.

Photo Chris Broughton

Photo Chris Broughton

I sometimes wonder about the phrase: ‘There is no Planet B’. Maybe some human beings out there are collecting money in the hope that living on a space station or on the moon or Mars will be an option.

Maybe – more precisely – it should read: ‘For Most Of Us, There Is No Planet B’. 


Some of the human beings involved in this Youth Strike movement are participating despite pressure from parental rules and school rules, urging non-participation.

Some have experienced whole hearted support and encouragement.

Photo Chris Broughton

Photo Chris Broughton

I have heard that one local school is threatening these human souls with a £££ fine and / or a day’s detention.

Photo Chris Broughton

Photo Chris Broughton

They have the right to raise their voices. Make a stand for what they believe in and care about.

Photo Chris Broughton

Photo Chris Broughton

And it’s not just about ‘young people’s futures’.

It’s about all of our futures.

Whilst we still live and breath on this planet.

Photo Chris Broughton

Photo Chris Broughton


Meet outside Cafe Nero in Hastings at 11am.

Bring placards, posters, flags and banners.

EVERYBODY is welcome to join, regardless of age.

Climate change is fully inclusive: it involves all of us.

Click here to find out about the long people’s demands: UK Student Climate Network: Demands.

To read more about why young people feel their involvement and action is imperative, click on this link: Youth Strike 4 Climate: Why?

Previous HOT article: Youth Strike 4 Climate.

Photo Chris Broughton

Photo Chris Broughton

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Posted 19:04 Thursday, Jun 20, 2019 In: Politics

Also in: Politics

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