Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Youth Strike 4 Climate in Hastings

Youth Strike 4 Climate in Hastings

This Friday! Youth Strike 4 Climate

This coming Friday (24 May 2019), Youth Strike 4 Climate in Hastings and St Leonards have organised another action for Climate Justice. Your presence and support are urgently needed. HOT’s Zelly Restorick reports.

UnknownLast Saturday (18 May), the day of the first local Extinction Rebellion non-violent direct action, I met with some of the young people involved in Youth Strike 4 Climate in Hastings and St Leonards. I asked them why they felt this issue was important to them as individuals – and why they wanted to be actively involved in the Youth Strike 4 Climate action group?

Aurora : Age 12: “I’m involved in the climate strikes because I feel that at such a young age, not only me but a lot of children have a future and deserve it without the fear of their home dying. People spend so much time trying to find life on other planets, forgetting to appreciate the life we have on this one.

“I am someone who cares very deeply about animals and their home and it makes me sad to think that we’re ruining both their home – and our’s. We’ve waited so long to point out the fact we are killing our home, so we need to act now rather that later.”

Youth Strike 4 Climate in Hastings

Youth Strike 4 Climate in Hastings

Freya : Age 12 : “I’m involved in the climate change protests because I think it’s horrific how we’re treating our planet just because we are lazy and greedy! We have to act now so we can have a future, so me and my friends have started to organise beach cleans. We love animals and nature and would hate to see the things we love die because some people are being selfish! We know these are small steps but we are trying to encourage others to care and get involved!”

Lily : Age 12 : “I am committed to the Youth Strike 4 Climate because if humans keep doing what they are doing, our futures will be ruined, our world will turn even more toxic and there will be no hope left. Humanity is in grave danger and we need to act now.

“You will die of old age, I will die of climate change.”

Youth Strike 4 Climate in Hastings

Youth Strike 4 Climate in Hastings

Rosie : Age 13 : “I think climate change is important because it is our generation and our future and people have taken that away from us. I believe we have to fight for this planet and I think that people are being selfish as we are not the only people on this planet. People don’t realise that children care – and we need to show them we do.

“I got into climate change action because I saw the children in Brighton and felt sympathy – and as I didn’t know anything about climate change, I researched it and started to show my school what we can do as a community.”

Pearl : Age 13 : “I want to attend the marches because we shouldn’t just let some people who don’t care about our world ruin our future. If we don’t start doing something now then our future will be destroyed by some people who don’t think about what they’re doing to the environment!”

Youth Strike 4 Climate 

Meet outside Cafe Nero in Hastings at 11am.

Bring placards, posters, flags and banners.

Everybody is welcome to join in…

…Climate change is fully inclusive – involving all of us.

To read more about why young people feel their involvement and action is imperative, click on this link: Youth Strike 4 Climate: Why?

Click here to find out about their demands: UK Student Climate Network: Demands.

Youth Strike 4 Climate in Hastings

Youth Strike 4 Climate in Hastings

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Posted 10:54 Tuesday, May 21, 2019 In: Young People

Also in: Young People

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