Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2017 | Page 72 of 78

The power of the Israeli lobby reaches Hastings

There has been an increase in high-profile cases of alleged anti-semitism highlighted in the mainstream media recently. Is this form of bigotry real and on the increase, or has it in fact been manufactured? Laurie Holden, secretary of the Hastings Palestine Solidarity Campaign, looks into the matter.

Transition Town Hastings logo

Transition Town Hastings news

Transition Town Hastings currently have a membership of 275 people and a host of ideas and initiatives including the community garden at Warrior Square Station, recycling, takeaway food packaging, food waste, sewage, water, keeping the town clean, strengthening the local economy, energy and dependence on fossil fuels. Here’s their latest news.

Peace in the Garden

The Peace Garden in Alexandra Park is a beautiful space, open to everyone. Somewhere to explore and sit, contemplate and ponder life – and now some new benches have been installed, which will only add to the overall serenity and sense of peace. HOT’s Zelly Restorick asks Charles Neal, Founding Chair of the Hastings Peace Garden Committee, about how the garden came into being and who has contributed to its evolution.

A Band of Brothers in Hastings

A Band of Brothers. Changing the world, one man at a time. A Band of Brothers is a charity established by men committed to positive social change through personal development and community building. The organisation was born out of concern at the continuing escalation of self-destructive and anti-social behaviour among young men from every section of society, together with the realisation that any meaningful and sustainable solution entails the reclamation of shared local responsibility. Justin Bridger writes.

The Lantern Society

Trevor Moss & Hannah-Lou’s Lantern Society reads the hand stitched bunting, dappled in flickering candlelight and red glow. A thriving hubbub and forum, cauldron and big top. A throng of performers and listeners alike gathered from all over town and beyond jostle and meet. There’s no list for players to sign up, it’s not even first come first served, for at the Lantern Society fortune favours the brave.

A Winter’s Tale

Come and enjoy the lovely singing of Harmony One in aid of the Snowflake Night Shelter on Saturday 11 February at St Clements Church in Hastings Old Town. A Winter’s Tale features contemporary settings of Shakespeare’s lyrics for female voices. You can be sure there will be some beautiful harmonies and exquisite melodies. Debbie Warren writes.

Nurdle hunt highlights plastic pollution

‘What on earth is a nurdle?’, you may be asking. Nurdles are small plastic pellets about the size of a lentil, which attract and concentrate background pollution like DDT and PCBs to highly toxic levels and can end up in the food chain when eaten by fish, birds and other marine animals. Nurdles never go away, but simply break down into ever smaller and smaller pieces of plastic. Hastings Green Party want to raise awareness of the issue. HOT’s Zelly Restorick writes.

Here comes 1st Annual Hastings Music Month

Hull may have scooped ‘City of Culture’ for 2017, but Hastings and Rother don’t care – because now we’re a self-styled ‘Music City’ and nobody is going to take that title away after a year: this is for keeps. John Bownas writes with undisguised enthusiasm about his discovery of the Music City concept and why he – and others – believe it’s an ideal opportunity for economic regeneration and growth.

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