Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2017 | Page 59 of 78

‘Putting the public back into transport’

Against the backdrop of the continuing disruption to rail travel due to the industrial dispute affecting Southern, trades unions have organised Big Up Transport (BUT) Day on Sunday 23 April to publicise such matters and consider how we can achieve better public transport. Nick Terdre reports.

Posted 09:54 Friday, Apr 21, 2017 In: Campaigns Tags: , , , , ,

Chelsea Flower Fringe to Hastings

A festival of flowers, gardens and gardening will spread its roots to Hastings next month (May), when the Chelsea Fringe arrives in town with a day in Alexandra Park and a talk from author, Travis Elborough. Report by Lynda Foy, photos by Colin Foy.

Day of action to build public support for safe walking and cycling routes this Saturday

Safe and convenient solutions for pedestrians and cyclists to get around town will be in focus in a day of action on Saturday 22 April, not least the Walking and Cycling Strategy adopted by Hastings Borough Council three years ago but still awaiting implementation. Nick Terdre reports.

‘Untitled (Miss.Ms.Other)’

Opening this Saturday: Hastings born and bred multi-media artist, Thom Kofoed, is holding a solo exhibition of his latest work in the Crypt at St Mary in the Castle. ‘Untitled (Miss.Ms.Other)’ is an exploration of the artist’s connection with strong female icons – and his evolving understanding of what it means to be a woman. Zelly Restorick reports.

Much to see, make and do at Fairlight Hall

Fairlight Hall, just outside Hastings to the east, is a magnificent

Request for help for Javad

A few months ago, HOT reported on Javad’s case (see links below) – a young autistic man from Iran who is seeking safe asylum here in the UK. He’s lived here since his early teenage years and now has a home with two kind and caring local people, Terry and Stuart Alexander, who care for him very much and want him to be able to stay in this country. Your letters of  support are a much-needed contribution to Javad’s case. HOT’s Zelly Restorick writes. 

When will we learn…?

…that our mental health and physical health systems are intrinsically inter-linked and inter-connected – and are not separate, as our UK health provider suggests by having two independent services? HOT’s Zelly Restorick writes.

Volunteers needed to swell scout ranks further

The scouting movement in East Sussex is riding along on the crest of a wave, as the old scout song has it – but even though the number of volunteers has reached a record level, still more are needed to enable the large numbers of would-be recruits to join. Nick Terdre reports.

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