Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2017 | Page 21 of 78

Vanishing Sail

Vanishing Sail, award winning Caribbean feature documentary

Posted 12:21 Monday, Oct 9, 2017 In: Film Tags: , , , ,

Health In Mind

Health In Mind offers support for people living in East Sussex  to help manage day to day life and their emotional wellbeing.The service, run by Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and Turning Point, is a free NHS service for anyone in East Sussex experiencing emotional or psychological difficulties such as stress,

Jazz Hastings first October gig

A true jazz legend, New York-born bass guitarist, Jimmy Haslip, will be making a guest appearance on October 10 at the Jazz Hastings monthly session at the East Hastings Sea Angling Association on the Stade. Julian Norridge writes.

International award winning pianist performs

The winner of this year’s Hastings International Piano Concerto Competition. Kenny Broberg, will be returning to Hastings this October after a highly successful summer spent in his native America. Julian Norridge writes.

Local children getting fit

Hastings support charity Education Futures Trust has been involved in an

Caring for crustaceans

Crustacean compassion? In a seaside town with a huge number of fish shops, the awareness of crustacean sentience might be uncomfortable, make you think twice about boiling a lobster and ponder the question: is there a humane way to kill another living species? Zelly Restorick writes.

International Times seeks your input

Local film maker, Trash Cannes initiator and resident, Keith Rodway, was originally invited to join International Times (IT) to take over the film department, but his remit broadened to that of contributing editor. Over the last 18 months, IT has featured work by people working in Hastings and St Leonards – writers, artists, journalists, musicians – and Keith would like to expand on this. Zelly Restorick asks Keith some questions about IT and his involvement.

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