Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Hollington children

Hollington young people and coaches

Local children getting fit

Hastings support charity Education Futures Trust has been involved in an exciting project this year designed to improve the wellbeing of local
children through engagement in physical activity.

Funded by Comic Relief, Sport for Change is a ten week course aimed at improving the fitness and health of children aged 8 – 16. Held at venues across Hastings, the sessions offer a variety of physical activities to suit all, including football, cricket, tennis, table tennis, rounders, Uni-hockey, stoolball, netball and basketball.

The latest Sport for Change sessions ended in September – and a group of
young people from the course celebrated their sporting achievements by
receiving YOUNG LEADER AWARD CERTIFICATES at events in Alexandra Park
and Hollington Skate Park. The certificates were awarded to the children
for their participation in sports and team games, for consistent
attendance, supporting other young people and showing leadership skills.

As well as improving confidence and well-being, the course looks to encourage young leaders by offering awards and the option to help lead activities.

Alexander Park young people and coaches

Alexander Park young people and coaches

Sport for Change is run by EFT Learning Coaches, Adam Ransom and Denise Sims with support from Alan Foster at Active Hastings.

Further 10 week Sport for Change sessions will be running from 10 October at Hollington Youth Centre, 3.45 – 5.15pm and 11 October at The Firs in Elphinstone Road, 4pm to 5.30pm. Each session is free to attend with advance booking required.

If you would like to find out more and to register your interest, please
contact Adam Ransom at EFT on 01424 722241 or email or Education Futures Trust.

Comic Relief Group in Alexander Park

Comic Relief Group in Alexander Park

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Posted 10:48 Monday, Oct 9, 2017 In: Home Ground

Also in: Home Ground

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