Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2017 | Page 22 of 78

HOT’s Sean O’Shea updates readers on the ‘Say No to Hate Speech Appeal’ (March 2017), reminds us of the rule change on Anti-Semitism & Hate Speech agreed at the Labour Party Conference September 2017, and summarises some of the challenges facing the new local Labour Party Organiser. In the interests of securing a Labour victory in the next election, he appeals for a change of culture within the local party.

Love Hastings Love Yourself is all over town

Love Hastings Love Yourself has done itself proud for World Mental Health Day on Tuesday 10 October. Erica Smith catches up with Su Barnicoat from Hastings Voluntary Action to find out about all the events on offer.

Gender stereotyping in local shops

A few weeks ago, HOT journalist Esme Needham went round most of the big supermarkets from Hastings to Hollington, taking photos of baby clothes, toys, childrens’ items, even yoghurts. She explains why in this article.

Posted 17:35 Wednesday, Oct 4, 2017 In: Shops & Things Tags:

Habib Koité: rare UK tour

One of Africa’s most respected guitarists, Habib Koité, is back on tour in the UK for the first time in a decade, and comes to St Mary in the Castle, Hastings, for a family friendly show on Sunday 22 October at 3pm.


Two Hastings charities – Heart of Hastings Community Land Trust and Project Art Works – have declared an alliance based on ‘shared values and overlapping goals’. Susie Tinker, trustee of Heart of Hastings writes.

Hastings Harbour – Cllr. Peter Chowney’s views

HOT’s Chandra Masoliver interviews Peter Chowney, leader of Hastings Borough Council, about the proposed harbour development at Rock A Nore. In future articles she will talk to local people, including the fishing community, and report on their views and reactions. 

Momentum – the untold Part 2, (January 2016 – March 2017)

In part two of this article HOT’s, Sean O’Shea describes the evolution of the Hastings’ Momentum group. Read part one of this article here: Momentum – the untold Part 1.

Skinny Lister at The Stade

Stade Saturdays take place at Stade Open Space, Rock-a-Nore Road in Hastings – and are FREE for everyone to come along and enjoy! This Saturday (30 September) Skinny Lister will be playing: rapidly becoming the nation’s foremost folk rock band, it’s only natural that they are heading up Hastings and Rother’s Music Month. Michael Hambridge, Arts and Cultural Development Officer for Hastings Borough Council, writes.

Posted 10:37 Friday, Sep 29, 2017 In: Music & Sound Tags: ,
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