Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2014 | Page 4 of 47

The pastoral and romantic in East Sussex

Fancy a winter excursion over the High Weald via Battle and Heathfield to a beautiful 13th century, grade I listed church?  Steeped in history with a yew tree aged over 2,000 years old in the churchyard, nearby Hogge House is where the first English cannon is thought to have been cast in the 16th century. Dave Poole shows you how to link this charming trip with a wonderful concert of rarely performed English music.

Steeleye Span’s renowned singer Maddy Prior joins up once again with the Carnival Band during the festive season for their unique celebratory show Carols and Capers, stopping off at St Mary in the Castle, Hastings, at 7.30pm on Friday 19 December.

Brad, Lydia and fellow explorer in action

BLAST Science!

BLAST Science (aka ‘Brad and Lydia’s Awesome Science Team’) bring endless ebullience, enthusiasm, energy and excitement to the study of science. HOT’s Zelly Restorick spotted their poster for a series of free workshops at The Pier Hub, located on the seafront – and felt immediately drawn to find out more about who they are and what they do.

Government flouts our rights, say Indians

Battle Choral Society presents Mozart concert

The word requiem, translated as ‘rest in peace’, conjures a welcome rest after the travails of life and the pain of illness before death – but to an 18th century Catholic fundamentalist, it invokes deliverance from eternal damnation! On 29 November Battle Choral Society  delivers the anguished music of Mozart as he faced up to his own mortality, writes Chris Cormack.

Pop-up women take over corner of museum

The Women’s Pop-Up Museum will be holding a community launch event on November 29 at 11am at Hastings Museum. Bev Jenkins reports.

Sacred geometry guides tattoo creator

Complex tattoos are nothing new these days, but HOT reporter Rebecca Snotflower found her imagination fired by the designs based on sacred geometry offered by a tattooist in Bexhill.

At Priory Meadow with Bruce the Sewer Monster

Helping Hastings tackle sewer blockages

Fun Day

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