Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2019 | Page 59 of 62

The Labour Party has uncovered damning evidence that the proposed shake-up of Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) services in Hastings will make it less, not more, safe for patients. As opposition to the “unjustified” move mounts among doctors in Hastings and Eastbourne, Labour Party member Rick Dillon shares his concerns.

Posted 12:11 Wednesday, Jan 30, 2019 In: Health Matters Tags: , , , , ,

Building for peace: first-hand news from Palestine

On Tuesday 5 February Gill Knight, of the Hastings Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Hastings against War, will give an account of an eventful 10 days she spent in Palestine last October on a solidarity and fact-finding tour. HAW’s John Enefer sets the scene.

Dismay as ESCC proposes to close English language service for school-age refugees

East Sussex County Council’s move to close the English as an Additional Language service, a vital resource for school-age refugees, has provoked widespread concern among refugee families and support groups. While possible alternative ways of providing the service are being explored, they are calling on the community to respond to the consultation on the issue, which remains open until Sunday 3 February. Nick Terdre reports.

From Hastings to the Congo

Hastings people were moved by a heart-warming carol-singing fundraiser for vulnerable girls in remote African plateau writes HOT’s  Vanessa Alves.

Fat Tuesday call-out for volunteers

We are now recruiting for volunteers to help us with this year’s Fat Tuesday Festival, now in its 10th anniversary year, writes volunteer coordinator John Knowles.

Posted 10:41 Thursday, Jan 24, 2019 In: Music & Sound Tags: , , ,

Soprano Alice Privett kicks off Fairlight Hall song season

Locally raised soprano Alice Privett gives the first in a season of five concerts at Fairlight Hall arranged in collaboration with the Oxford Lieder Festival, as the venue’s Dominika Hicks explains.

Wow, what’s that?

If you’re craving an earblasting, wallshaking, night of everything louder than everything else, then head on down to St Mary in the Castle to raise some hell. Rock Astrologer Enid Williams thrashes it out with Motorheadache’s head honcho Rob Campbell.

Solar Panels in the Country Park – ecology or politics? III

Hastings Borough Council (HBC) passed a resolution at the Cabinet meeting on 7 January to spend up to £80,000 investigating whether to install three solar farms, two in Hastings Country Park and one in Upper Wilting Farm in Crowhurst. In this third interview HOT’s Chandra Masoliver asks Kay Green, publisher, bookseller and blogger, her opinion of this proposal, and the public’s reaction to it. Kay is a active member of the local Labour Party, currently helping to set up the Labour Women’s Forum to increase the party’s involvement with local and community-based campaigns.

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