Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Archives for 2020 | Page 29 of 55

Coronavirus statistical update: Have the five tests been met?

Further easing of the lockdown which the government introduced today is running into opposition from within the expert circles on which it claims its policy-making is based. To what extent do the latest statistics show that the five tests put forward by prime minister Boris Johnson for deciding that restrictions can be eased are being met? Nick Terdre takes a look.

Posted 16:39 Tuesday, Jun 2, 2020 In: Covid-19 Tags: , ,

Rixiang Huang’s HIP online concert

Last week’s online concert by prizewinners in the Hastings International Piano Concerto Competition was given by Rixiang Huang. HOT’s music correspondent Brian Hick was impressed with how he met the challenge of both pieces.

An evening in with…Fanya Lin

This Friday evening, 5 June, Hastings International Piano Concerto Competition prizewinner Fanya Lin will join us for a live performance of beautiful music, writes Chris Cormack.

Making Caring Visible this Carers Week

Local charity Care for the Carers is highlighting the role of unpaid carers this June.  A week of recognition for carers is coming up to raise awareness of carers, the challenges they face and their vital role looking after people who couldn’t manage without their care. 

Black Dog Lost

As Mental Health Awareness Week comes to an end, it seems very relevant to post these words from local novelist, Amanda Nicol, on feeling suicidal. Suicide: a rarely discussed global pandemic. Amanda’s deeply moving experience is unique, but will resonate for anyone who has experienced such feelings and thoughts.

Posted 12:57 Sunday, May 31, 2020 In: Health Matters Tags:

Dialogue with a diagnosis

Amanda Nicol is a local writer and painter, passionate about healing — individual, societal, and environmental. Here she explores her own mental well-being, different approaches and responses to her experiences and how she seeks her own unique path to healing and how this journey continues

Posted 08:40 In: Health Matters Tags:

Instant Libraries for four local primary schools

KPMG donates Instant Libraries to four primary schools in Hastings supporting most vulnerable children during lockdown. The initiative was supported by a trio of bestselling children’s authors and illustrators.

Posted 07:07 In: Literature Tags:

Latest news from Hastings Voluntary Action

News and updates and useful information from Hastings Voluntary Action.

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