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Hastings Young Writers is to relaunch in early October.

Young writers group raring to get back into action

If you’re young, have the writing itch and are keen to meet like-minded folk, good news: Hastings Young Writers group is about to relaunch. And the group, which will participate in Hastings Litfest and is mulling ideas for another anthology, wants to welcome new members, as they tell Nick Terdre.

As Covid restrictions fall away, Hastings Young Writers are raring to get going again. They will relaunch on 4 October at White Rock Hotel, where they will be resuming their two-weekly meetings, armed with a new programme of events and offering places for new members.

The group is open to young people aged 11 to 17 living in Hastings and St Leonards who love writing.

Hastings Young Writers was set up in 2018 by Liz Caluori, a member of Hastings Writers Group. At meetings members write together and get the chance to share their work. They have also hosted a number of guest speakers, who have run workshops on skills ranging from fight scenes and radio plays to song lyrics and rap.

Even before the relaunch, they will be making their presence felt at Hastings Litfest, when three members will be speaking and reading their work at the 25 September session which also features the festival’s patron, playwright David Hare.

Another anthology

Another anthology, for possible publishing next spring, is also on their minds. Their first, Salt in the Wound, was published in 2019, and in 2020 they collaborated with young people locally to produce a lockdown anthology, Full Stop.

The proceeds from Full Stop enabled the group to present £500 to Charity for Kids before last Christmas and they plan to have a proper presentation now that such events are again possible.

They have also alerted local schools to their presence, drafting press releases, leaflets and letters to be sent to head teachers.

“I’ve really missed group meetings over lockdown, but this is such a good opportunity to find new members who really enjoy writing,” said member Esme Needham. “I think the group is going to be better than ever.”

Hastings Writers group has itself recently emerged from lockdown – it started meeting again at the end of July. “I am also toying with the idea of starting a junior writing group if there is interest,” Caluori says. “We got so many entries for the anthology from 5-10 year-olds…”


For more information contact Liz Caluori via email or on 07494 883719. See also Hastings Young Writers FB page. Please note: the date of the relaunch meeting has changed from 27 September to 4 October.


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Posted 18:00 Tuesday, Sep 7, 2021 In: Young People

Also in: Young People

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