Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Bottle Alley

Bottle Alley

Bottle Alley Lights up!

Hastings Borough Council has replaced some 500 metres of broken lighting with new state of the art equipment that is programmable for special effects – and can be synchronised to music to create a wonderful sound and light spectacle. 

Cllr Kim Forward, lead councillor for regeneration and culture said: “The council would like to thank everyone involved for their hard work and commitment to this project. It is an absolutely magical walk along the beach that can be enjoyed year round!”

The new lighting was installed as part of a project to rejuvenate the historic Bottle Alley and create welcoming and exciting space for residents and visitors alike. Bottle Alley, located on the seafront between Warrior Square in St Leonards and Hastings pier, is open to the public as a thoroughfare.

Bottle Alley Lighting Switch On 251117 (29)sml

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Posted 20:06 Tuesday, Dec 5, 2017 In: Home Ground


  1. Pat

    I find it hard to believe that the moment Hastings does something to encourage tourism and enjoyment for the general public, the “do gooders” come out to spoil the party.

    Hastings has always appeared to be behind other seaside towns with innovation, well done on this occasion, I hope many people derive much pleasure from this light show. I personally am looking forward to shows set to music.

    Please make sure there is ample publicity for future light shows, to date there has been very little to my knowledge.

    If you wish to ‘stargaze’ there is countryside a very short distance from Hastings where there are no street lights and very little light pollution.

    Comment by Pat — Tuesday, Feb 27, 2018 @ 10:49

  2. Penny

    I hope this wont detract from the night sky, and is restricted to the occasional special event.
    “Decorative lighting” is part of light pollution, just the same as any other lighting.
    There are fewer and fewer places for stargazing in Hastings.
    It was suggested to have sessions on our lovely underused Pier, but it was never included in any schedule.
    How much did the lighting cost, and which budget did it come from?

    Comment by Penny — Thursday, Dec 7, 2017 @ 11:02

  3. Patricia

    What a lovely idea – it looks amazing!

    Comment by Patricia — Thursday, Dec 7, 2017 @ 09:23

Also in: Home Ground

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