Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Save Ore Library stall in Ore

Save Ore Library stall in Ore

Stall to save Ore Library

Campaigners opposed to the proposed closure of Ore Library by East Sussex County Council were out in force in Ore Village on Saturday morning collecting signatures for their petition and encouraging residents to respond to the official consultation.

“The weather may have been cold”, said Ore’s Hastings Borough councillor Richard Street “but the reception was very warm. We spoke to dozens of people from Ore itself and the villages around and every one of them thought the idea of closing Ore Library just to save a few pounds was appalling.”

123 people signed the petition at the stall bringing the total to over 1500.

Local resident, Heather Bishop and her son Ben, were there: “Libraries are so important especially if you want to encourage children to enjoy reading.

“On Saturday, I was shocked to learn that many people living in the villages outside Hastings didn’t realise that the mobile library service is also faced with the chop.”

The next event in their calendar is on Tuesday 12 December at County Hall in Lewes where campaigners from across the County whose local libraries are under threat will be gathering in protest prior to the Cabinet meeting. The Save Ore Library petition will be delivered at the same time. Anybody interested in joining that protest should go to the Facebook group “Save Ore Library” for more details.

The consultation which will play a significant part in informing the Cabinet’s decision runs until 14 December and can be completed online: East Sussex County Council Libraries Consultation or in hard copy available from all libraries.

The decision is expected in March 2018.

Previous HOT articles with more details: Ore Library closure threat and Why Ore Library is important.

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Posted 12:37 Tuesday, Dec 5, 2017 In: Home Ground

Also in: Home Ground

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