Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Protesters wanting to save Ore library Photo ZR

Protesters wanting to save Ore library Photo ZR

Why Ore library is important

On Saturday morning, people gathered together to protest against the threatened closure of Ore library. As a life-long library user, HOT’s Zelly Restorick went along to add her presence to the campaign.

When I moved to the Ore area, one of the things I celebrated was the presence of a library. For me, libraries have offered a lifelong life-line.

A lifelong adventure Photo ZR

A lifelong adventure Photo ZR

Thankfully, I’m not alone in believing a library offers something valuable to a local community. People of all ages cared deeply enough to turn up and stand around in the bitter cold for an hour or so to save this facility.

I asked fellow protester and leader of the local council, Peter Chowney, why he was there. “I came along to support the protest as although I understand ESCC has massive funding problems and is faced with making cuts, closing a library in one of the poorest communities in East Sussex is not right for this area. ESCC would make a saving of around £15,000, which represents about 0.004% of their budget and this is too damaging a cut for too small a community.”

Local pensioner Pat Dowling said: The library is essential for elderly people who don’t have a computer. It’s a sociable activity and it’s where we go to get our books. If this library closed, the nearest would be Hollington, which for me would mean catching two buses. Lots of the OAPs wouldn’t be able to do this. The library is very important, especially for those who live on their own.”

Protestors outside the library

Protestors outside the library Photo ZR

Here’s what you can do

  • Take part in the consultation: online or complete a paper copy, available at all libraries. The consultation runs until 14 December with the final decision being made in February/March 2018 by the Cabinet of ESCC
  • Contact ESCC Cabinet members whose email addresses are on the campaign website or by post at County Hall, St Ann’s Crescent, Lewes BN7 1UE
  • Write to your MP, Amber Rudd
  • Sign the ‘Save Ore Library’ petition
  • Spread the word and encourage other people to take action
  • Attend the fund-raising concert and auction on 24 November
  • Keep in touch with events and actions via the Save Ore Library website and Facebook page.
  • Believe and know that your actions will make a difference.
'M' Photo ZR

‘M’ Photo ZR

At the Hastings Borough Council meeting on 18 October, Richard Street, councillor for Ore and a moving force behind the Save Ore Library campaign, proposed a motion opposing the closure of Ore Library which was carried by 28 votes to one. The campaign is in touch with similar campaigns to save the other six East Sussex libraries threatened with closure.

Protestors gathered outside Ore Community Centre

Protestors gathered outside Ore Community Centre

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Posted 15:28 Wednesday, Nov 1, 2017 In: Campaigns

Also in: Campaigns

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