Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Men’s Wellbeing Festival

Men’s Wellbeing Festival

On Saturday 26 March, local charity, Mind in Brighton and Hove, are hosting a Men’s Wellbeing Festival at the Stade along Hastings seafront. There will be a number of wellbeing activities to take part in including: interactive art and drumming workshops, mindful lego building, bushcraft cordage making, crafts, wild food and campfire conversations. Additionally, there will be a number of information stalls from local services and mental health and wellbeing organisations. Hannah Richards, Men’s Mental Health Project Coordinator at Mind in Brighton & Hove writes.

The event will also include an art and film showcase on the topic of men’s mental health, including a well-known local artist, Ben Fenton. Ben Fenton’s work ‘This is Mental Illness’ depicts areas of Hastings that Ben felt embodied his feelings when suffering with his mental health. Ben also features in the short film called ‘Just Plain Ben’ by Tom Bryan, which will be shown throughout the day.

Men attending will also have the opportunity to have a free men’s health check- up and there will also be a COVID vaccination unit on site.

If you need support or would like to find out more about Mind in Brighton and Hove, please visit or contact

Men’s Wellbeing Festival

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Posted 14:04 Tuesday, Mar 22, 2022 In: Health Matters

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