Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Dr Jane Padmore

New CEO for Sussex Partnership Trust

Dr Jane Padmore has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, having been interim CEO since January 2022.

Speaking about her appointment, Jane said: “I’m delighted to have the opportunity as CEO to help improve the quality of life for our local communities.

“We are seeing a sustained, significant increase in need for the specialist NHS mental health and learning disability services we provide at Sussex Partnership. Our challenge is to respond to this need, whilst continuously improving quality, safety and service user experience.

“We can only do this by working together with our health and care partners, with the people who use our services and our local communities. This is something I’m passionate about and it will be a particular focus for me in my role as CEO.”

Jane is a Registered Mental Health Nurse and has worked in mental health and learning disability services since 1990. She was previously Chief Nursing Officer at Sussex Partnership and, prior to that, Chief Nurse and Executive Director of Quality and Safety at Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.

Jane is a Board member of NHS Confederation’s Mental Health Network and a member of the Mental Health and Learning Disability Directors of Nursing Council Forum Steering Group. She was awarded a Doctorate from Kings College London following a research study into the mental health needs of young people in street gangs.

Peter Molyneux, Chair of Sussex Partnership said:

“Jane is an authentic, compassionate and values-based leader. These attributes will be essential in leading the continuous improvements we need to make to meet the mental health and learning disability needs of the local communities we serve.”

Adam Doyle, Chief Executive Officer Designate for the future Sussex Integrated Care Board and current ICS Leader, said: “It is very positive that Jane has been appointed as the substantive Chief Executive to ensure there is stable leadership to help us address the current and future mental health and learning disability needs of our populations and carry out the improvements that need to be made. Under Jane’s leadership, Sussex Partnership will play an important role in our continued system development and future new ways of working to improve health outcomes for our local communities.”


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Posted 13:23 Monday, Apr 25, 2022 In: Health Matters

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