Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper

May Day Monday means Jack in the Green!

The May Day bank holiday signals Jack in the Green – and Monday sees a virtual procession of the Jack along the traditional route, the culmination of a five-day festival. Nick Terdre reports.

The Jack in the Green organisers have arranged a giant Zoom call for Monday where, as they say, “you’ll be able to be part of our celebrations by dancing and jigging along with our live and pre-recorded performances of all of the usual wonders of JITG as we follow the virtual journey of the Jack as he makes his way through the Old Town to the Castle.”

“And this year, we’re very pleased to announce that we’ll have roving Jack in the Green reporters joining us live from pub gardens across Hastings & St Leonards.

Unlike last year, when we were still in full lockdown, this year there has been sufficient easing to enable groups of family members and friends to gather outside in pub gardens or own gardens or public gardens to join in the fun (and according to the weather forecast, it should be a rain-free day at least until late afternoon).

The JITG celebrations have been under way since Thursday, with Facebook and Zoom coverage of garland-making, talks, Ceilidhs, live folk music, the May Day sunrise ceremony, drumming, Morris dancing and the building of the iconic giants.

The event is being held in aid of Hastings Food Bank, for which donations are invited here.

Register for Monday’s JITG celebrations here.

Hastings’ other traditional May Day activity, the Bike1066 biker event, has been cancelled the council says, although whether that will deter them all from coming remains to be seen.

From last year’s online festival.

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Posted 20:25 Sunday, May 2, 2021 In: Festivals

Also in: Festivals

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