Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper


Health In Mind

Health In Mind offers support for people living in East Sussex  to help manage day to day life and their emotional wellbeing.The service, run by Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and Turning Point, is a free NHS service for anyone in East Sussex experiencing emotional or psychological difficulties such as stress, anxiety and depression.

The service provides courses and other types of therapies to help with
feelings such as stress, anxiety and low mood which can occur for a
number of reasons including relationship problems, money worries or
stress at work.

Health in Mind aims to offer a service to help people feel positive
again, to motivate and cope with day to day issues in life. Some of the
services available include telephone support, guided self-help, online
therapy, wellbeing courses, mindfulness and low self-esteem workshops.

One individual who accessed Health in Mind spoke about her experience of
using the service and said: “Health in Mind has been a brilliant
service. I had someone to talk to that was understanding and patient. I
felt I could say anything I needed to talk about to them and they didn’t
judge me. They gave me useful and invaluable techniques to deal with my
anxiety that helped at the time and I’ve also been able to use as time
goes on. They seemed to understand what I really needed and recommended
courses that are appropriate to my needs. I really feel my time with
Health in Mind has helped my recovery process enormously and actually
changed my life.

“I have struggled with anxiety for years and it’s only since working
with Health in Mind that I feel this issue has really been tackled and
solutions offered to me. I was always asked if I felt the decisions
being made were right for me and if I was happy with what had been

“Anyone struggling or who doesn’t know where to turn should go to their
GP but should also consider contacting Health in Mind to see whether
they could help. They have friendly and understanding staff who can
tailor treatment to exactly what you need. They also offer someone to
talk to which helps a lot. You can refer yourself so have a look at
their website. You can contact them by phone but if you prefer you can
also contact them by email which is great if you’re anxious about
talking on the phone.

“Try to be brave and ask for help. It might seem really difficult to do
it at the time, but it will be worth it in the long term. It’s good to
tackle issues that you find difficult as, although it’s hard working
through them, it will help change your life for the better.”

If you find yourself not enjoying life, feeling down or find it hard to
think positively, have a look at the Health in Mind website to see how
it can help.

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Posted 12:07 Monday, Oct 9, 2017 In: Health Matters

Also in: Health Matters

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