Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Delicious produce from the Community Garden at St Leonards Warrior Square Station

Delicious produce from the Community Garden at St Leonards Warrior Square Station

Community Garden Open Day and Food Celebration!

This Sunday, 9 October, 12-3pm at the Transition Town Community Garden, St Leonards Warrior Square station, the Transition Town Hastings (TTH) team invites you to share some of their harvest and celebrate their transformative endeavours. Karen Simnett from TTH writes.

We invite you to come and taste our harvest at our Community Garden Open Day and Food Celebration, which marks the end of the Harvest Festival and the beginning of Global Climate Change Week. Let’s celebrate the joy of food and how easy it is to grow our own healthy and sustainable fruit and vegetables that we can share with our community!

After acquiring permission to use the land on the north side of the platform earlier this year, a lot of time was spent clearing all the overgrowth. Fruit trees were planted, Littlewood’s kindly donated some raised bed materials so we were able to start sowing some vegetable and herb seeds. We have spent the summer planting, weeding and watering, holding sessions every weekend and now we are finally seeing the fruits of our labour!

Community Garden Open Day and Food Celebration: 12-3pm on Sunday 9th October at the Transition Town Community Garden at St Leonards Warrior Square Station, North side.

Transition Town Hastings website.

Hastings and St Leonards Transition Town was set up with the intention of creating a more connected, healthier and self-sufficient community, ensuring that both environmental and economical sustainability are at the heart of regeneration, along with equality and diversity. “Most of all we want to have fun and get to know each other with an aim of working together to find positive solutions. We are working with local residents to share their visions on how they see the town’s future in the areas of local economy, planning, waste, food, transport and energy.”


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Posted 12:25 Tuesday, Oct 4, 2016 In: Home Ground

Also in: Home Ground

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