Part of the Story of Hastings in 66 Objects exhibition at Hastings museum. which attendees will visit (photo: Alex Brattell).
Heritage forum on 1066 and town development
This year’s heritage forum, to be held on Wednesday 12 October, will look at the relationship between the Battle of Hastings and the town’s later development as a coastal resort, as co-organisers the University of Brighton and Hastings Museum & Art Gallery explain.
As part of the 950th commemoration of 1066, this year’s heritage forum examines the relationship between this landmark event in British history, with Britain’s first Norman castle built in Hastings as a strategic fort and the early settlement of ‘Old Hastings’, and the later historical development of Hastings and St Leonards as a significant coastal resort in the nineteenth century.
Part of this historical narrative will be re-told through a new display at Hastings Museum, the Story of Hastings in 66 Objects, which will facilitate exploration and debate about the town’s history through selected artefacts. A visit to the museum will be laid on in the afternoon.
The forum will create an opportunity to look critically at the wider considerations of heritage more generally, as well as in the context of the 1066 commemoration: what is understood by ‘heritage’, and the notion of ‘our’ heritage, as well as the interplay between the built environment, memory, place, people and commemoration.
This year’s event will also introduce a new Hastings and St Leonards Civic Society, with a presentation of its aims and objectives.
1066, Heritage and the Development of Hastings and St Leonards as a Coastal Resort
Wednesday 12 October, 10am-4.30pm (registration at 9.30am)
Lecture Theatre, University of Brighton in Hastings, Priory Square
Keynote Lectures
1066 And All That: A Consideration of Different Heritage Values
Stephen Gray (historic buildings consultant and conservation architect)
The Development of Old Hastings
David Martin (UCL honorary research fellow; former Senior Historic Buildings Officer, Archaeology South-East)
The Story of Hastings in 66 Objects
Catherine Harvey (Keeper of Art and World Cultures), Hastings Museum and Art Gallery
Other speakers and presentations include:
Introduction to Hastings and St Leonards Civic Society Steven Whitford, speaking on behalf of the Civic Society steering committee.
Hastings circa 1066 Heather Grief, Hastings Local History Group
Hastings Castle and the Rise of a Romantic Resort Kristin O’Donnell, University of Brighton (postgraduate research student)
Refreshments will be provided throughout, with lunch at 12.30pm.
All are very welcome to this free event but pre-registration is necessary with the academic contact, Dr Deborah Madden (D.Madden2@brighton.ac.uk).
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